Is it right that the speed is close to the speed of light and time slows down or stops? Time is just a concept. It is a unit of measurement of the regular change of matter. For example, year, year, and day. I don't understand that if we move at or near the speed of light, time will slow down or stop. The original meaning is: can the speed of light slow down the change of matter? What kind of trajectory is needed to produce such an effect? Is it linear motion or circular motion or rotation? Personal feeling: suppose there are two children just born when the speed of light train starts, one is on the train and the other is at the departure station. After 20 or 30 years, their life change characteristics should be the same (in short, the aging degree is the same), If the train returns to the departure station at the speed of light 20 years later, is it a meeting between two young people, or a meeting between a young man (on the platform) and a baby (on the train), The minute of a stationary person is infinitely lengthened in his life cycle). If it is the period of material change that slows down, will people on the train with the speed of light feel that their life has changed a lot? (the train has been running for 1000 years, but they have not changed at all)

Is it right that the speed is close to the speed of light and time slows down or stops? Time is just a concept. It is a unit of measurement of the regular change of matter. For example, year, year, and day. I don't understand that if we move at or near the speed of light, time will slow down or stop. The original meaning is: can the speed of light slow down the change of matter? What kind of trajectory is needed to produce such an effect? Is it linear motion or circular motion or rotation? Personal feeling: suppose there are two children just born when the speed of light train starts, one is on the train and the other is at the departure station. After 20 or 30 years, their life change characteristics should be the same (in short, the aging degree is the same), If the train returns to the departure station at the speed of light 20 years later, is it a meeting between two young people, or a meeting between a young man (on the platform) and a baby (on the train), The minute of a stationary person is infinitely lengthened in his life cycle). If it is the period of material change that slows down, will people on the train with the speed of light feel that their life has changed a lot? (the train has been running for 1000 years, but they have not changed at all)

"If a person runs at the speed of light, he can see time standing still and see a still picture; if his speed is greater than the speed of light, he will see time retrogressing and see the world before him." this description is based on Einstein's theory of relativity. Einstein's theory of relativity is too abstruse for the time being, First of all, please pay attention to two aspects: 1. The static and retrogressive time can only be felt by the person who "runs at the speed of light", but it has no influence and significance on other people and things; 2. There are two meanings of time here: one is the time that has nothing to do with conditions and passes evenly; the other is the time that exists in people's consciousness
Now let's have a simple and detailed understanding. ① when all objects are illuminated by light, the reflected, transmitted or absorbed light will carry the information of the object. ② light is also material, which is composed of photons. ③ if a person can run at the speed of light, he can run parallel to the light at a certain time, and he can see and can only see the information (scene) carried by the light at that time, In the same way, if he runs faster than the speed of light, he can catch up with the light emitted by the previous time and space, and he will see the inverted shot in the movie, and he will feel that time is retrogressive, Therefore, please understand the two concepts of time contained in it. For the contradiction in your question, I think the fundamental reason is that you have confused the two concepts of time, If matter wants to run at the speed of light, it needs to turn itself into photons. Suppose that scientific conditions can make an individual turn into photons and run at or above the speed of light, so that this person can travel in time, then the feeling of time stopping or going back can only exist in this person's consciousness. But if we want to turn the whole universe into photons and going back in time, I don't think it's possible in terms of personal level of understanding. Even if it's possible in theory, what's the difference between it and the current things running in the same time and space at the same speed of time and space?
If you can't understand the fool's opinion, you should study Einstein's theory of relativity

Why does the closer the speed is to the speed of light, the slower the time is?
I don't understand this statement all the time. I don't know if my understanding is correct. It's equivalent to a person jumping in the opposite direction on the running high-speed railway, and this person feels that the outside world is slowing down. So, are the particles in the particle accelerators in Europe slowing down relative to the outside world?

1、 The derivation of the time transformation formula begins with the invariance theorem of the speed of light C = C + V = C-V, and then the displacement theorem s = vt. as shown in the figure, a pilot flies away from the earth at the speed of V and arrives at point B after flying at t. at this time, the light signal sent by him at the same time has reached point C. The pilot thinks that the speed of light on the earth should be C, the earth