Sum 8 + 88 + 888 +. + 888.888 The last one has n eights It is represented by the sum with n

Sum 8 + 88 + 888 +. + 888.888 The last one has n eights It is represented by the sum with n

The original formula is 8 * n + 8 * 10 * (n-1) + +8*10^n
= 8*{n+(n-1)*10+… +10^n}
It's a difference sequence in brackets
=8/9( 10^(n+2) /9 -10/9 -n )

0.8, 0.88, 0.888


The formula of 0 8 88 888 8888
What is the regular formula of 0 8 88 888 8888?

The nth number an = 8 × [10 ^ (n-1) - 1] / 9
10 ^ (n-1) is the N-1 power of 10
for example
The first number = 8 × [10 ^ (1-1) - 1] / 9 = 0
The second number = 8 × [10 ^ (2-1) - 1] / 9 = 8
The third number = 8 × [10 ^ (3-1) - 1] / 9 = 8

There are 3-5-12-7, which is equal to 24 by four far counts


2, 4, 10, 10 how to calculate is equal to 24


How is equal to 24

4 root plus 2 plus 10 plus 10
I'm not sure it's going to take root

Fill in the operation symbols, add, subtract, multiply, divide and bracket to make the equation hold. 5 5 15 equals 8 3 8 3 equals 24

5+5x1÷5=8x3÷8+3=2+4 5 x(5-1÷5)= 8 ÷ (3 - 8 ÷ 3)=24

How do two tens and two fours equal twenty-four


3 8 11 16 how is it equal to 24
Only four


How do five sixes equal 24
