The side area of a cylinder is 942 square centimeter and its volume is 2355 cubic centimeter

The side area of a cylinder is 942 square centimeter and its volume is 2355 cubic centimeter

Side area = perimeter of bottom surface × height = radius × 2 × 3.14 × height
Volume = bottom area × height = radius × radius × 3.14 × height
Radius = volume / side area × 2 = 2355 / 942 × 2 = 5cm
The area of the bottom of the cylinder is 5 × 5 × 3.14 = 78.5 square centimeter
The surface area of the cylinder is 78.5 × 2 + 942 = 1099 square centimeters

The side area of a cylinder is 942cm2, its volume is 2355cm3, and its bottom area is______  cm2.

According to the stem analysis, we can get: the radius of the bottom of the cylinder: 2355 ^ (942 ^) 2, = 2355 ^ 471, = 5 (CM), 3.14 × 52 = 78.5 (square cm), answer: the bottom area is 78.5 square cm. So the answer is: 78.5

The side area of a cylinder is 314 square centimeters, the volume is 942 cubic centimeters, and its bottom area is___ Square centimeter

Let R be the radius of the bottom surface and H be the height. According to the meaning of the question, we get: & nbsp; π r2h = 942; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2 π RH = 314; if we divide the two equations, we get r = 6; therefore, the bottom area s = π R2 = 36 π; so the answer is 36 π