According to the conditions, the equation is listed (let a number be x) 8 times of a number is 24, a number is less than 3 / 4 of it, 6 the product of the opposite number of a number and 2 is less than 2 times of it, 3

According to the conditions, the equation is listed (let a number be x) 8 times of a number is 24, a number is less than 3 / 4 of it, 6 the product of the opposite number of a number and 2 is less than 2 times of it, 3

The solution of 8x = 24 is x = 3
The solution of x = 3 / 4x-6 is x = - 24
-The solution of 2x = 2x-3 is x = 3 / 4

There is a cube with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 written on each side. Three people look at it from different angles. The pictures are as follows
What is the opposite of each number on this cube?
(1) Front 4 top 5 right 3
(2) Front 3 top 2 right 1
(3) Front 1 Top 6 right 4

According to (1), 3 is adjacent to 4 and 5
From (2) we know that 3 is adjacent to 2 and 1
So, 3 and 6 are relative
From (2) we know that 1 is adjacent to 2 and 3
According to (3), 1 is adjacent to 6 and 4
So, 1 and 5 are relative
Two and four are relative
So, on the cube, 1 and 5 are relative, 2 and 4 are relative, and 3 and 6 are relative

As shown in the figure below, the edge length of a cube block is 15. Cut off the small cubes whose edge lengths are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 respectively from its eight vertices. This is true
What is the minimum surface area of the rest of the block?
Detailed process!
thank you!

The theoretical surface area of each cut piece remains the same, but 8 and 7 can be on the same edge, so 98% is less
So the minimum area is 6 * 15 * 15-98 = 1252

The expanded view of prism is composed of two shapes and one shape, and the cube is composed of two shapes

The expanded view of prism is composed of two polygons (a few prisms is a few sides) and a quadrilateral, and the cube is composed of six squares

From top to bottom, the cubes with equal edge length are one in the first layer, three in the second layer and six in the third layer. What is the number of cubes in the fourth layer


According to 1 cube in the first layer, 3 cubes in the second layer, 6 cubes in the fourth layer, and 10 cubes in the fifth layer, the number of cubes in the 2004 layer is?

1 + (1 + 2) + (1 + 2 + 3) + (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) + (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ + (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ~ ~ ~ ~ + 2001 + 2002 + 2003 + 2004) = an = 1 / 2 (n (n + 1)) = 1 / 2 {2004 * (2004 + 1)} = you can calculate the answer by yourself. This is the method. If there are six in the fourth layer, it's irregular, because he didn't tell you how many in the third layer, so

The figure made of small cubes has 1 layer, 2 layers, 3 layers, 6 layers, 4 layers and 100 layers


If the cubes with the same edge length are placed from top to bottom, one in the first layer, three in the second layer, and six in the third layer, the number of cubes in the fourth layer is________

a4=a3+4=1+2+3+4 ……
a2004=1+2+3+…… +2004=(1+2004)*2004/2=2009010

The cube with the same edge length is placed from top to bottom, one for the first layer, three for the second layer, and six for the third layer
How many cubes are there in 100 layers


The cube with the same edge length is placed according to the shape shown in the figure. From top to bottom, it is the first layer, the second layer and the third layer Then the number of cubes in layer 2004 is ()
A. 2009010B. 2005000C. 2007005D. 2004

The number of cubes in the first layer is 1, the number of cubes in the second layer is 3, 2 more than that in the first layer; the number of cubes in the third layer is 6, 3 more than that in the second layer It can be concluded that the number of each layer is 2, 3, 4, 5 Therefore, the number of cubes in layer 2004 is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + +2004 = (1 + 2004) × 20042 = 2009010