How to distinguish true and false Luhua peanut oil? Recently, I bought a bucket of Luhua 5S pressed peanut oil. It was very cold and solidified when I bought it. After thawing, I found it was turbid, so I suspected it was fake Do you know the characteristics of peanut oil?

How to distinguish true and false Luhua peanut oil? Recently, I bought a bucket of Luhua 5S pressed peanut oil. It was very cold and solidified when I bought it. After thawing, I found it was turbid, so I suspected it was fake Do you know the characteristics of peanut oil?

Look, smell, compare, refrigerate
Distinguish true from false
So, what is the real "squeeze oil"? And what methods can be identified? Relevant experts gave a few moves
First, first of all, we need to look at the label on the bottle label and product introduction materials. The pressed oil does not undergo high-temperature refining, deodorization, decolorization, degreasing, degumming, dewaxing, deacidification and other "six de processes", and there is no chemical solvent residue problem
Look at the oil concentration again. Good pressed oil has high concentration, long wall hanging time, and only 1 / 2 of ordinary oil is used, so as to achieve the health goal of "eating less oil and eating good oil"
Second, the essential oil aroma. Open the bottle of mellow and fragrant nose (pressed oil is natural raw flavor), drop a little peanut oil to the palm of the hand, rub it to palm heat. Pure peanut oil has strong peanut flavor, repeatedly rubbing the fragrance lasting; peanut oil blended with peanut flavors, after repeated rubbing, the fragrance gradually fades.
Third, the price is higher than the oil price. The pressing process has higher requirements for raw materials, lower oil yield, higher nutritional value and higher cost of peanut, so the price is relatively higher
When the oil is stored in a freezer at 10 ℃ for 10 minutes, the pure peanut oil is semi solidified, the oil mixed with soybean oil is hardly solidified, and the oil mixed with palm oil is completely solidified
The purity of peanut oil packed in 5 liters and priced below 80 yuan is questionable

How to measure the density of peanut oil accurately
Experiment equipment -- experiment step 123

Equipment: balance, measuring cylinder and peanut oil
Steps: 1. Measure the mass M1 of the empty measuring cylinder with the balance;
2. Pour a certain amount of peanut oil into the vector cylinder, read out the volume V, and measure the mass m2 of the oil and the measuring cylinder with a balance;
3. The density of peanut oil is (m2-m1) / v

Measure the density of peanut oil
Using the knowledge of grade three
Design an experiment to measure the density of peanut oil as much as possible
Unlimited tools
And try to explain the error size
It must be today

1. Two beakers of the same size, weight and scale (one is OK)
2. Fill a certain amount (capacity) of distilled water, weigh it with a balance, and record the weight
3. Put the same amount of oil into another beaker. If there is only one beaker, pour out the distilled water from the previous beaker and steam it to dryness. Then pour in the same amount of oil, weigh it with a balance and record the weight
4. If the density of water is 1kg / m3, then the density of oil is (L1 / L2) * 1kg / m3