There is a conical funnel with a volume of 314 cubic centimeters. Its height is 10 centimeters. What is its bottom area?

There is a conical funnel with a volume of 314 cubic centimeters. Its height is 10 centimeters. What is its bottom area?

1. Volume = 1 / 3 * bottom area * height
314 = 1 / 3 * bottom area * 10
2. Bottom area = 314 * 3 △ 10 = 94.2 square centimeter

A conical funnel, its solvent is 90 cubic centimeters, the bottom area is 30 square centimeters, how high is it?

H = 9 cm

To make a conical funnel, its generatrix length is 20 cm, and its height should be () cm
A. 2033B. 100C. 20D. 203

Let the height of cone be x, then the bottom radius is 202 − X2, and its volume is v = 13 π x (202-x2) (0 < x < 20), V ′ = 13 π (400-3x2). Let V ′ = 0, then the solution is X1 = 2033, X2 = - 2033 (rounding off). When 0 < x < 2033, V ′> 0; when 2033 < x < 20, V ′< 0; when x = 2033, V takes the maximum value