X2 + 3x + X-1 of 2 minus 6 of 2 minus X-10 of 4 X-1 / x2 + 3x + 2 minus 6 / x2-x-2 minus X-10 / x2-4

X2 + 3x + X-1 of 2 minus 6 of 2 minus X-10 of 4 X-1 / x2 + 3x + 2 minus 6 / x2-x-2 minus X-10 / x2-4

=(x-1)/[(x+1)(x+2)]-6/[(x+1)(x-2)]-(x-10)/[(x-2)(x+2)] =[(x-1)(x-2)-6(x+2)-(x-10)(x+1)]/[(x+1)(x+2)(x-2)]=[(x2-3x+2)-(6x+12)-(x2-9x-10)]/[(x+1)(x+2)(x-2)]=[x2-3x+2-6x-12-x2+9x+10]/[(x+1)(x+2)(x-2)]=0/...

Simplification (X-2 / 3x-x + 2 / x) × x 2-4

The original formula = [3x / (X-2) - X / (x + 2)] × [(X & # 178; - 4) / x]

Given that a = {x | x2 + 3x + 2 ≥ 0}, B = {x | mx2-4x + M-1 > 0, m ∈ r}, if a ∩ B = ∞, and a ∪ B = a, the value range of M is obtained

From the known a = {{x | x \\\\\\\\∩ B = (1) \∩ A is not empty, and {B =; (2) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\874646; B = R, which is contradictory to the problem of a 8746464646; B = R, we know that B =, B =. From the upper surface analysis, we know that B =. We know that B =, B =, B =. We know that B =. We know that B =. We know that B =. We know that B if {x | mx2-4x + M-1 > 0}, m ∈ R is combined with B = ∞, we can get the right one If the tangent x ∈ R, mx2-4x + M-1 ≤ 0 is constant, then m < 016 − 4m (m − 1) ≤ 0, the value range of M ≤ 1 − 172  m is {m | m ≤ 1 − 172}