It is known that y + 3 is in positive proportion to x, and when x = 2, y = 7. (1) find the analytic expression of the function of Y and X. (2) find the value of y when x = 1. (3) translate the image of the function so that it passes through the point (1,0), and find the analytic expression after translation

It is known that y + 3 is in positive proportion to x, and when x = 2, y = 7. (1) find the analytic expression of the function of Y and X. (2) find the value of y when x = 1. (3) translate the image of the function so that it passes through the point (1,0), and find the analytic expression after translation

When x = 2, y = 7
So y = 5x-3
When x = 1, y = 2
After translation, the slope is the same, which is 5
Let y = 5x + B
Point (1,0)

The analytic expression of the image of function y = (1 / 3) ^ x with respect to the curve of symmetry y = x ()
A. Y = 3 ^ x b.y = log base 3 x C.Y = - (1 / 3) ^ x D.Y = - log base 3 x
The most important thing for those who do is to say why

I'll draw a straight line y = x, then I'll foolishly draw a monotone decreasing exponential function on R, and then slowly draw the other side according to the symmetry axis, and then you will find that this is a logarithmic function image, and then I'll find monotone decreasing very quickly, so the reason for choosing D is that if two functions are symmetric with respect to y = x, then its

The image of function y = 1 / (x-1) corresponds to the image of x = 1 symmetry
