1.There are some flowers __ in__ the__ basket__ (question on the line drawing part) 2.There are __ two__ vases__ In the bedroom 3.The towel is __ a__ squrae__ (ditto)

1.There are some flowers __ in__ the__ basket__ (question on the line drawing part) 2.There are __ two__ vases__ In the bedroom 3.The towel is __ a__ squrae__ (ditto)

The first is: where are some flowers?
The second one is: what's in the room? Remember, you can't ask questions as much as you like. He also included the nouns. If you just mark two, you can ask questions as much as you like
The third is: what shape is the jewel?
I don't know, right,

1、 Please write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives and adverbs
1.small _____________ _____________ 2.big _____________ _____________
3.large _____________ _____________ 4.late _____________ _____________
5.fat _____________ _____________ 6.thin _____________ _____________
7.hot _____________ _____________ 8.red _____________ _____________
9.wet _____________ _____________ 10.easy _____________ _____________
11.early _____________ _____________ 12.heavy _____________ _____________
13.hungry _____________ _____________ 14.tidy _____________ _____________
15.busy _____________ _____________ 16.lucky _____________ _____________
17.noisy _____________ _____________ 18.many / much _____________ ___________
19.good / well ____________ _____________ 20.bad / ill / badly ___________ ___________ 21.few / little 22.slowly23.tall 24.young25.old 26.strong
29.important 30.quickly
31.boring _____________ _____________
32.dangerous _____________ _____________
33.tired _____________ _____________
34.crowded _____________ _____________
35.famous _____________ _____________
36.different _____________ _____________
37.quiet _____________ _____________
38.beautiful _____________ _____________
39.hard _____________ _____________ 40.bored _____________ _____________

1.small ____ smaller__ ____ smallest___ 2.big __ bigger__ ___ biggest___
3.large __ larger_ ___ largest_ 4.late __ later__ ____ latest_
5.fat __ fatter___ ___ fattest_ 6.thin __ thinner__ ___ thinnest___
7.hot __ hotter__ __ hottest__ 8.red ___ This is a noun. There is no comparative or superlative____
9.wet __ wetter__ __ wettest___ 10.easy __ easier__ ___ easiest__
11.early __ earlier___ ___ earliest__ 12.heavy __ heavier____ __ heaviest__
13.hungry _ hungrier_ ___ hungriest___ 14.tidy __ tidier___ _ tidiest___
15.busy __ busier___ __ busiest_ 16.lucky _ luckier__ _ luckiest__
17.noisy __ noisier_ ___ noisiest___ 18.many / much __ more__ __ most___
19.good / well _ better__ __ best__ 20.bad / ill / badly __ worse__ __ worst__
21.few / little fewer fewest less least
22.Slowly more slowly most slowly
23.tall taller tallest
24.Young younger youngest
25.old older oldest
26.Strong stronger strongest
27. Pretty doesn't seem to have any
28.High higher highest
29.important more important most important
30.Quickly more quickly most quickly
31.boring more~most~
32.dangerous more~most~
33.tired more~most~
34.crowded more~most~
35.famous more~most~
36.different more~most~
37.quiet quieter quietest
38.beautiful more~most~
39.hard harder hardest
40.bored more~most~
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English special exercises for grade six of primary school
Help me to find some reading questions and answers about grade 6 of primary school. In addition, I have to choose questions and answers, read pictures and write words and answers, and borrow words and answers
The best is the website!

Suggest you buy "primary school graduation (academic examination) general review", good, there are key points and supporting exercises, questions are more comprehensive

( )1.John and Bob often talk____ the phone.A.in B.on C.at D.inside ( )2.When mum makes the dinner ready,we____ set the table.A.must B.can C.should D.may ( )3.Let's take the____ boy home or hospital.A.sick B.ill C.good D.bad ( )4.The restaurant is too expensive.____ choose a cheaper one?A.Why not to B.Why don't C.Why not D.Why not you ( )5.You____ late for school again if you ____ early.A.shall be;won't get up B.are;won't get up C.will be;don't get up D.have been;not get up ( )6.You must come home____ next time.A.early B.earlier C.early the D.earlier the


The Changjiang River is the___________ longest river in China.
We should work hard ______ the coming exam.
()_________ the ainimals there live in the forest.
A.Did B.Do C.Let D.Let's

most before c

Fill in the blanks according to the proper form of the words in brackets
1.He is really very _______ (relaxing) now.

Relaxed. (relaxed and relaxing are adjectives: relaxed is used to describe people's feelings, while relaxing is used to describe things.)

Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given in brackets!
1、Summer is the--------(two)season
2、Look,the farmers are---------(cut)rice
3、In spring,the---------(leaf)on the trees are green
4、I enjoy-------(play) football very much
5、There are four--------(season)in a year
6、Miss Ma------(watch)TV erery Saturday
8、There are two------(board) in our classroom
9. I have a dream. I want ----- (be) a player like Yao Ming
10、It‘s 11:30.I------(have)lunch at 12:30
All answered Oh, will give you 100 points!

1、Summer is the(second)season
2、Look,the farmers are(cutting)rice
3、In spring,the(leaves)on the trees are green
4、I enjoy (playing) football very much
5、There are four(seasons)in a year
6、Miss Ma( watches)TV erery Saturday
7、Look!ZhangPeng(is playing)basketball
8、There are two(boards) in our classroom
9. I have a dream. I want (to be) a player like Yao Ming
10、It‘s 11:30.I(will have)lunch at 12:30

Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words in brackets
At the ( )(begin)of the year,I met him.
Do you want to use the past tense? Why?

At the (beginning, beginning) of the year, I met him
I met him at the beginning of this year
At the beginning of This is because the definite article the is usually followed by a noun, which is also a fixed phrase

Please fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words in brackets
3、 Please fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words in brackets
1.---Where____ (is)your socks?---They're under the bed.
2.---How old are____ (your)?---I'm thirteen years old.
3.---What is Bai Ling doing?---She is____ (play)games.
4.---What can you see?---I can see four____ (bus).
5.---Where is your friend from?---He is from____ (American)
6.---Let____ (I)help you.

1.---Where___ are_ (is)your socks?---They're under the bed.
2.---How old are_ you___ (your)?---I'm thirteen years old.
3.---What is Bai Ling doing?---She is_ playing___ (play)games.
4.---What can you see?---I can see four_ buses___ (bus).
5.---Where is your friend from?---He is from__ America__ (American)
6.---Let_ me___ (I)help you.
If you agree with my answer, please click the "select as satisfactory answer" button below,

Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words in brackets
---Can you tell me where your English teacher is?---He ___ (see)giving a lesson in another class just now.
What? Why?

was seen
He is seen in another class, using the passive voice