Calculation of definite integral (1 / 2 ~ 1) arcsinx ^ (1 / 2) / (x (1-x)) ^ 1 / 2DX

Calculation of definite integral (1 / 2 ~ 1) arcsinx ^ (1 / 2) / (x (1-x)) ^ 1 / 2DX


For the indefinite integral of arcsinx / x ^ 2, I calculate = - arcsinx / x + ln | (1 / x) - √ (1-x & # 178;) / X | + C
But is the answer - 1 / 2 (xcsc ^ 2x + cscxcotx) + C wrong?

Wrong answer

Let's help you, find the indefinite integral ∫ coslnx =? (partial integral method)

First do the transformation LNX = t, x = e ^ t, DX = e ^ TDT,
We'll do it two more times,
Do not do the first step of transformation, direct integration can also be divided, but not as clear after transformation

In indefinite integral, there is a sequence of partial integral. What is it?

∫uv'dx= uv - ∫u'vdx

The following indefinite integrals 1) ∫ xsin2xdx 2) ∫ xlnxdx 3) ∫ arccosxdx 4) ∫ xarctanxdx can be obtained by the method of partial integration
The following indefinite integrals can be obtained by the method of partial integration

2) 3) the answer is the same as upstairs, 1) ∫ xsin2xdx = (- 1 / 2) ∫ xdcos2x = (- 1 / 2) xcos2x + (1 / 2) ∫ cos2xdx = (- 1 / 2) xcos2x + (1 / 4) sin2x + C2) ∫ xlnxdxdx = (1 / 2) ∫ lnxdx ^ 2 = (1 / 2) x ^ 2lnx - (1 / 2) ∫ xdx = (1 / 2) x ^ 2lnx - (1 / 4) x ^ 2 + C3) ∫ arccosxdx = xarccosx -

It is necessary to find the following indefinite integral ∫ x ^ 3 times e ^ x times DX by the method of partial integration

∫ X & # 179; e ^ x DX = ∫ X & # 179; de ^ x, the first time of integration by parts
=X & # 179; e ^ X - ∫ e ^ xdx & # 179; = x & # 179; e ^ X - 3 ∫ X & # 178; e ^ xdx, the first integration by parts
=X & # 179; e ^ X - 3 ∫ X & # 178; de ^ x, the second integration by parts
=X & # 179; e ^ X - 3x & # 178; e ^ x + 3 ∫ e ^ xdx & # 178; = x & # 179; e ^ X - 3x & # 178; e ^ x + 6 ∫ Xe ^ xdx, the second integration by parts
=X & # 179; e ^ X - 3x & # 178; e ^ x + 6 ∫ xde ^ x, the third integration by parts
=X & # 179; e ^ X - 3x & # 178; e ^ x + 6xe ^ X - 6 ∫ e ^ xdx, the third integration by parts
= x³e^x - 3x²e^x + 6xe^x - 6e^x + C
= (x³-3x²+6x-6)e^x + C

If x is an acute angle, sin2x = a, then SiNx + cosx=

We can see that 2sinxcosx = a
So the original formula = the square of SiNx + cosx under the root sign
=Square of SiNx + square of cosx + 2sinxcosx under root sign
Just put it in
=A + 1 under root

If | 2x-1 | = 2x-1, | 3x-5 | = 5-3x
|It's absolute value roar!

2x-1 | = 2x-1, 2x-1 is greater than or equal to 0, X is greater than or equal to 1 / 2
3x-5 | = 5-3x, 3x-5 is less than or equal to 0, and X is less than or equal to 5 / 3
So 1 / 2 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 5 / 3

Given that the root of the equation x + KX − 2 = 2 about X is less than 0, the value range of K is obtained

The denominator of the fractional equation is removed to get: x + k = 2X-4, the solution is: x = K + 4, according to the meaning of the question: K + 4 < 0, the solution is: K < - 4

In [0,2 π], the value range of X which makes SiNx > cosx hold is ()
A. (π4,π2)∪(π,5π4)B. (π4,π)C. (π4,5π4)D. (π4,π)∪(5π4,3π2)

In [0,2 π], draw the trigonometric function lines corresponding to SiNx and cosx, which are MT and OM, as shown in the figure: if SiNx > cosx is satisfied in [0,2 π], that is Mt > OM, so the range of X is: (π 4,5 π 4), so select C