will you promise you will never turn your back to

will you promise you will never turn your back to


英語の単選問題:be sure to_u u_u u_u u_u uhere on time. A.arrive B.arrive at あなた達はどう思いますか

Aarriveを選ぶのは無目的動詞です。もし後に目的語を入れるなら、必ず前置詞をつけなければなりません。よく使う組み合わせは、arrive in+大地方、例えばarrive in Chinaが中国arrive at+小地方に到着します。例えば、arrive at schoolが学校のhomen.家、住宅、故郷、adj.家の庭の、国内の…

tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tom

today today today today today today today today today today today today

Be sure to tell Tom of the place and time of the meet!

Be sure to tell Tom when and where will/do we meet.
会議の意味を言いたいなら、be sure to tell tom when and where is the meetingです。

Tom didnot come down for b_u_u_u u uonタイム


I am not sure if Tom_u u_u u_u uhome.Ifヘアウ.I will call you. A will come、will come B coes、will commec will come、compes


Mayboe Tom will come with us,but he is not sure.同義語 これに基づいて記入します。中二から上の言語ロジックに従います。 Tom_u呷but he is not sure.真ん中は四つの空で、三つではないことを覚えてください。

Tom may come with us、but he is not sure.

本の英語の選択:Tom iscompings.Withヒムヒム私は、I'm sure I will finish the work on time. トムiscompings.Withヒムヒム私は、I'm sure I will finish the work on time. A helping B to help C helps D helped どれを選ぶべきですか?ついでにhelpの取り組みについて教えてください。

help sb(to)do sth.
help(to)do sth.
helps b.withsth.

Tom()come to the partyトンナイト.butI am not sure about it.A.need B.must C.may D.would


Tom()come to the party toight,but I'm not sure 3.Can I Watch TV now,mum?No,you().You()do your homework first 4.()you ride a bike?No,I can't 5.Must I return the book this moning?No,you().Butyou()return it before supper. 6.What()can I do for you? 7.You()park the car in front of the supermaket. 8.It's too late.I()go home. 9.I()find my new watch now. 10.()Iプレイコンピュータgames first?No,you().You()clean the room.

Tom(will)come to the party tonight,but I'm not sure.3.Can I Watch TV now,mum?No,you(can't).You(must)do your homework first 4.(Can)you ride a bike?No,I can't 5.0 Must I ret…