Under the condition of the same force, which factors of the spring will affect the length of the spring extension? 1. Guess one: the material of the spring will affect the elongation of the spring Conjecture 2: the length of the spring will affect the elongation of the spring Guess 3: the length of the spring will affect the elongation of the spring 2. Please design an experimental scheme to verify the conjecture

Under the condition of the same force, which factors of the spring will affect the length of the spring extension? 1. Guess one: the material of the spring will affect the elongation of the spring Conjecture 2: the length of the spring will affect the elongation of the spring Guess 3: the length of the spring will affect the elongation of the spring 2. Please design an experimental scheme to verify the conjecture

1. Guess the length and thickness of the second and third
2. Take several springs with the same length and thickness, but different materials, hang hook codes with the same quality at one end, and observe the change of length