As shown in the figure, bullet a does not pass through the stationary wood block B on the smooth horizontal ground, then the system composed of a and B () A. Conservation of momentum, conservation of mechanical energy B. conservation of momentum, non conservation of mechanical energy C. The kinetic energy reduced by the bullet is equal to the kinetic energy increased by the block D. the kinetic energy reduced by the bullet is greater than the kinetic energy increased by the block

As shown in the figure, bullet a does not pass through the stationary wood block B on the smooth horizontal ground, then the system composed of a and B () A. Conservation of momentum, conservation of mechanical energy B. conservation of momentum, non conservation of mechanical energy C. The kinetic energy reduced by the bullet is equal to the kinetic energy increased by the block D. the kinetic energy reduced by the bullet is greater than the kinetic energy increased by the block

A. B. the resultant force of the external force on the system is zero, so the momentum of the system is conserved; because the work done by a pair of friction forces between the bullet and the block is not zero, so the mechanical energy of the system is reduced; so a is wrong, B is correct; C, D, according to the law of conservation of energy, the reduced kinetic energy of the bullet is equal to the sum of the transformed internal energy of the system and the increased kinetic energy of the block, so C is wrong, D is correct; so BD is selected