Car a starts to move in a straight line with constant acceleration at 3 meters per second and car B lags behind for 2 seconds. At the same place, car a starts to move in a straight line with constant acceleration at 4 meters per second. The directions of the two cars are the same. What is the maximum distance between the two cars before car B catches up with car a? How long can car B catch up with car a after starting? How far are they from the starting point at this time?

Car a starts to move in a straight line with constant acceleration at 3 meters per second and car B lags behind for 2 seconds. At the same place, car a starts to move in a straight line with constant acceleration at 4 meters per second. The directions of the two cars are the same. What is the maximum distance between the two cars before car B catches up with car a? How long can car B catch up with car a after starting? How far are they from the starting point at this time?

If the departure time of car a is T seconds, then the travel time of car B is T-2 seconds
S a = 3T ^ 2 / 2 s b = 4 (T-2) ^ 2 / 2, t > 0, s > 0
Gap = s A-S B
Finally, we get an equation about t, which can find out the maximum value, that is, the maximum distance between a and B vehicles, the gap = 0, that is to catch up, at this time t is the time, we can calculate s a = s B, that is, the distance from the starting point