When x ∈ [0,1] finding definite integral ∫ √ (4-x ^ 2) DX Let's see. Let's set X = 2sint t ∈ [0, PI / 6] DX = 2costdt The original formula = ∫ 2cost * 2cost DT = 4 ∫ (cost) ^ 2 DT can't be changed to 4 * 1 / 3 (cost) ^ 3 here? If you want to change, can it be changed to 1 / 2 (cost) ^ 2 only in the form of ∫ costdcost?

When x ∈ [0,1] finding definite integral ∫ √ (4-x ^ 2) DX Let's see. Let's set X = 2sint t ∈ [0, PI / 6] DX = 2costdt The original formula = ∫ 2cost * 2cost DT = 4 ∫ (cost) ^ 2 DT can't be changed to 4 * 1 / 3 (cost) ^ 3 here? If you want to change, can it be changed to 1 / 2 (cost) ^ 2 only in the form of ∫ costdcost?

Do 4 ∫ (cost) ^ 2 DT this step can not be changed
If you want to change it, can it be changed to 1 / 2 (cost) ^ 2 only in the form of ∫ costdcost?
This is right
It should be 4 ∫ (cost) ^ 2 DT = 2 ∫ (1 + cos2t) DT = 2T + sin2t | (PI / 6,0)
=Radical 3 / 2 + pi / 3

Solving definite integral: ∫ upper 3 lower 2 {(1-x) / x ^ 2} DX

∫(2~3) (1 - x)/x² dx
= ∫(2~3) (1/x² - 1/x) dx
= - 1/x - lnx |(2~3)
= (- 1/3 - ln3) - (- 1/2 - ln2)
= ln(2/3) + 1/6

Finding definite integral ∫ (2,0) √ (4-x ^ 2) DX

Algebraic problems can be geometrized
∫ (2,0) √ (4-x ^ 2) DX represents the area of 1 / 4 of a circle with radius 2 centered on the origin

Find the value of definite integral ∫ 4 to 0| x-2| DX?


A simple algorithm of 8.03 minus 4.7 plus 1.97


How to change a meter with RG = 10 Ω and Ig = 3mA into a voltmeter with 3V range and an ammeter with 0.6A range?

1. A 3V range voltmeter can be connected in series with a 990 ohm resistance. In this way, the rated voltage can be changed into 3V. That is to say, the meter is now a 3V range voltmeter. Calculation method: the method of series resistance is to increase the internal resistance of the meter in disguised form. That is to say, if the internal resistance increases, the rated voltage will also increase

(3.8 + 1 / 2) - (3 / 5 + 2.4 / 2 and 2 / 3)

(3.8 + 1 / 2) - (3 / 5 + 2.4 / 2 and 2 / 3)
=(3.8 + 0.5) - (0.6 + 2.4 / 8 / 3)

Please help to explain the weight unit symbol of ancient Chinese medicine
In the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine, the units are represented by some symbols. There is a weight unit like a "△". Now how much does it represent?
My integral is not much, please help!

Ha ha, it's a heavenly script. It's like a triangle. It's a continuous g. it's gram

New discovery in life composition 200 words

At noon when school was over, dark clouds covered the sun and it suddenly became dark. It seemed that a storm was coming
On the way home, I found that a group of ants were moving in the grass. At that time, I wondered why the ants wanted to move when it was going to rain. I also found that the ants had moved their home from the grass to the tree. I kept thinking and thinking, and I went home unconsciously. At that time, my father was cooking, I immediately ran to my father and asked him what was going on? My father said, "it's going to rain when the ants move, because when it rains, the water will submerge into their house, so they have to move their house to a high place so that they won't be flooded!" now I can understand it all. The little ant is still a weather prophet! Soon, a storm started
From that moment on, I knew that there was a lot of knowledge around me. We need to observe and find out its secret

How to convert kilowatt to kilowatt

One kilowatt hour equals one degree
That is, a kilowatt of electrical appliances used for an hour is 1 degree