Solving inequality: 4x-4x + 1

Solving inequality: 4x-4x + 1

1) (2x-1) M3

The (x + 2) power of solving inequality 5 is greater than 2

5^(x+2)>5^log5(2) x+2>log5(2) x>log5(2)-2

R = (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + Z ^ 2) ^ 1 / 2, why is Xi + YJ + ZK equal to R vector? What's the meaning of R vector divided by R vector to the power of 0?

Any vector can be expressed by coordinates, that is, R vector = (x, y, z). If I, J, K are used to represent the unit vector of X, y, z axes, then r vector can be expressed as Xi + YJ + ZK, and the module (length) of this R vector = (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + Z ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2), so the form of Xi + YJ + ZK can be used to represent the length as (x ^ 2

The two vehicles drive from a to B at the same time. The speed of a is 80 km / h, and that of B is 120 km / h
How many hours later, the distance between the two cars is 100 kilometers? 2. At this time, car B is just half of the whole journey. What is the distance between a and B?

Problem 1: set the distance between the two vehicles to 100 km after y hours
Y (120-80) = 100
The solution is y = 2.5 hours
Question 2:
Solution: 120 x 2.5 = 300 km

If △ ABC side length is a, B, C, and f (x) = b2x2 + (B2 + c2-a2) x + C2, then the image ()
A. Above the x-axis B. below the x-axis C. tangent to the x-axis D. intersect the x-axis at two points

From the cosine theorem, we can get B2 + c2-a2 = 2bccosa, and & nbsp; cosa < 1, so the discriminant of quadratic function f (x) △ = (2bccosa) 2-4b2c2 = 4b2c2 [(COSA) 2-1] < 0, so the opening of quadratic function is upward, and there is no intersection with X axis, so we choose a

Car a starts from city a at 8:00 a.m. and goes to city B at 60 kilometers per hour. Car B starts from city B at 8:30 a.m. and goes to city a at 5 / 6 the speed of car a
At 1:30 p.m., the two cars met on the way. How many meters is the distance between the two places?
No equations
It's better to clarify the meaning of each step!

For car a: it took 5.5 hours from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. with a speed of 60, so car a walked 5.5x60 = 330km
For the car: the speed is 60x5 / 6 = 50. It has driven for 5 hours, so it has walked 50x5 = 250km
The sum of a and B is 250 + 330 = 580km
Some of them didn't hit your own home

If the students of grade seven in a school rent several buses with 48 seats for a spring outing, they will be full; if they rent 64 seats, they will be able to rent one bus less, and one bus is not full, but more than half. It is known that it is 250 yuan for each bus with 48 seats and 300 yuan for each bus with 64 seats?

Solution: let's rent x buses with 48 seats,
So 4

A. B is 15 km away from each other. Car a starts from a at 50 km / h in the front and car B starts from B at 40 km / h in the back. The two cars start at the same time and travel in the same direction (along the direction of BA). How many hours later, are the two cars 30 km apart?

A: after 1.5 hours, the distance between the two cars is 30 kilometers

If the tangent of the curve y = xlnx is perpendicular to the straight line 2x + 4Y + 3 = 0, try to find the equation of the tangent

If the tangent is perpendicular to the straight line 2x + 4Y + 3 = 0 (y = - X / 2-3 / 4, slope is - 1 / 2), then the tangent slope is 2
The derivation of y = xlnx gives y '= LNX + 1,
Let y '= 2, that is LNX + 1 = 2, then x = E
When x = e, y = e, the tangent point (E, e)
The tangent is y-e = 2 (x-e)
The tangent equation y = 2x-e is obtained

When a batch of goods is to be transported to a certain place, the owner of the goods is going to rent two kinds of trucks from the automobile transportation company. The situation of renting these two kinds of trucks in the past is shown in the table below: the number of trucks of the first time and the second time 2 5 the number of trucks of the second time 3 6 the accumulated tonnage of goods transported 20.546 (1) how many tons of goods are transported by the trucks of the first time and the second time? (2) Now we hire three A-type trucks and five B-type trucks from the company. We have just finished the goods at one time. If the freight is 30 yuan per ton, how much is the freight payable by the owner?

(1) Suppose that each load of a truck is x tons, and each load of B truck is y tons, then 2x + 3Y = 20.55x + 6y = 46, and the solution is x = 5Y = 3.5. Answer: each load of a truck is 5 tons, and each load of B truck is 3.5 tons. (2) 5 × 3 + 3.5 × 5 = 32.5 (tons), 32.5 × 30 = 975 (yuan). Answer: the freight owner should pay 975 yuan