2X & # 178; + 4x-3 = 0 to solve the equation

2X & # 178; + 4x-3 = 0 to solve the equation


Given the quadratic of x-4x + y-10y + 29 = 0, find the value of quadratic of X + 2XY + y

x-2=0 x=2
y-5=0 y=5

Known: x2-4x + y2-10y + 29 = 0, find (x + y) 2

(1) Using the complete square formula, x2-4x + y2-10y + 29 = 0
So X-2 = 0
So x = 2, y = 5
So (x + y) ^ 2 = (2 + 5) ^ 2 = 49

Choose any four numbers from the five numbers of 2, - 3,4, - 5,6, and use the mixed operation of rational numbers, so that the result of the operation of the four numbers is 24. Each number can only be used once


One half plus one sixth plus one twelfth to nine hundredth of the number logical reasoning problem, how to calculate

1/2+1/6+1/12+…… +1/9900=1/(1·2)+1/(2·3)+1/(3·4)+…… +1/(99·100)=(1-1/2)+(1/2-1/3)+(1/3-1/4)+…… +(1 / 98-1 / 99) + (1 / 99-1 / 100) = 1-1 / 100 = 99 / 100, because 1 / (n · (n + 1)) = (1 / N) - 1 / (n + 1)

Find the integer solution of inequality system 3 (x-4) = 6-2 (1-x)
The process should be detailed

The results are as follows,

How to calculate the area of triangle

Multiply the bottom by the height and then multiply by half

There are 24 tons of cement in the construction site. The first time, 3 / 8 of cement was used, and the second time, 1 / 3 of cement was used. How many tons more cement was transported in the first time than in the second time?

24x3 / 8-24x / 13 = 9-8 = 1 ton

The bottom diameter of a cylinder is 2 decimeters, the surface area is 12.56 square decimeters, and the height of the cylinder is______ Decimeter

Bottom area: 3.14 × (2 △ 2) 2 = 3.14 (square decimeter), side area: 12.56-2 × 3.14 = 6.28 (square decimeter), height: 6.28 △ 2.14 × 1, = 6.28 △ 6.28, = 1 (decimeter); answer: the height of the cylinder is 1 decimeter

A number is a factor of 48 and a multiple of 3. What's the number?
Given that a, B and C are prime numbers, and a + B = C, what is the minimum value of a * b * C?

A number is a factor of 48 and a multiple of 3. What's the number?
This number can be 3, 6, 12, 24
Given that a, B and C are prime numbers, and a + B = C, what is the minimum value of a * b * C?
In the case of minimum value,
A = 2, B = 3, C = 5
A * b * C = 30