If a = 2 of B, the value of [2B + b] &# 178; - - - [2b-b] &# 178

If a = 2 of B, the value of [2B + b] &# 178; - - - [2b-b] &# 178

【2a+b】² (5b)^2
———— =----------------=25/9
【2a-b】² (3b)^2

How to transform y = 1 / 2x & # 178; - 6x + 21 into / 12 (X-6) &# 178; + 3?

y=1/2*x²-6x+21=1/2*(x²-12x)+21 =1/2*(x²-2*6*x+6²-6²)+21 =1/2*[(x-6)²-36)+21 =1/2*(x-6)²-18+21 ...

On the binary linear equations 4x-2y = 1, MX + y = 3 / 2 of XY, the values of X and y are the same, try to find the value of M

Because the values of X and y are the same, x = y
4x-2x = 1, that is, x = y = 1 / 2
Substituting MX + y = 3 / 2,
Namely: 1 / 2m + 1 / 2 = 3 / 2
The solution is m = 2

In Greece, people want you to give a thumbs up

The meaning of insult is like that of the middle finger in other places
In India, it means "right"; in Thailand, it means "no problem"; in Japan, Myanmar and South Korea, it means "money"; in France, it means "insignificant" or "worthless"; in Brazil, Greece and Sardinia, Italy, it means "nothing", It's a disgusting dirty gesture; in Maltese, it's a silent and vicious curse

Given the point m (3,5), if the point P is on the line L: x-2y + 2 = 0 and the point q is on the Y axis, then the minimum value of the circumference of △ MPQ is
Like the title,

Make the symmetric points a (- 3,5) B (5,1) of m about Y-axis and straight line respectively, connect AB with Y-axis and straight line, the intersection point is the calculated p q, where the length of line AB is the perimeter of MPQ, which is 4 √ 5

The difference between a and B is 22.5. What is the number a? What is the number B?
I haven't studied equations and decimal division,

If the decimal point of number a is shifted one place to the left, it is equal to number B. then the original number a is 10 times of number B
The second number is
What is the number a

It is known that x + y = 1 and X-Y = a satisfy that x is greater than 2Y

The solution is as follows
x=(1+a)/2 y=(1-a)/2
That is: (1 + a) / 2 > 2 * (1-A) / 2
Good study, happy growth. May day good mood

Excuse me: there are three classes planting trees in the sixth grade of experimental primary school, and the trees planted in the first class account for 1 / 4 of the total number of trees in the three classes,
There are three classes planting trees in the sixth grade of experimental primary school. The number of trees planted in the first class accounts for 1 / 4 of the total number of trees in the three classes. The ratio of the number of trees planted in the second class to the third class is 3 ∶ 4. The number of trees planted in the second class is 24 less than that in the third class. How many trees are planted in each of the three classes?

The number of trees planted in the first class accounts for 1 / 4 of the total number of trees planted in the third class. The number of trees planted in the second class and the third class accounts for 3 / 4 of the total number of trees planted in the third class. The ratio of the number of trees planted in the second class to the third class is 3 ∶ 4. The number of trees planted in the second class is 24 less than that in the third class, that is, one share of 24 trees

The solution set of inequality x ^ 2 > 4 is inequality lx-1l

=> (x-2)(x+2)>0
=> x>2 or x

During the May Day period, two supermarkets held promotional activities for the same kind of drinks with the same price. Supermarket a bought five bottles and got one free. Supermarket B reduced the price by 20%. Master Li wanted to buy some such drinks for athletes. It was cheaper to go to supermarket () to buy them
A. A B. B C. A or B

The price of a bottle of beverage in supermarket a is: X × 5 △ 6 = 56x (yuan). The price of a bottle of beverage in supermarket B is: X × (1-20%) = 45x (yuan). Because 56 > 45, 56x > 45x means it's more cost-effective to go to supermarket B