With a 80 cm long, 40 cm wide rectangular sheet iron, cut together into a 10 cm deep container without cover, which can be welded What's your volume? Write down all the spelling methods and answers you come up with

With a 80 cm long, 40 cm wide rectangular sheet iron, cut together into a 10 cm deep container without cover, which can be welded What's your volume? Write down all the spelling methods and answers you come up with

It is formed by bending after removing the square with side length of 10cm at four corners
Volume: 60 * 20 * 10 = 12000 (cm3)

Use iron sheet to make a cuboid oil tank without cover. It's 100cm long, 80cm wide and 40cm high. It needs iron to make this oil tank
How many square meters of iron sheet

100cm = 1m, 80cm = 0.8m, 40cm = 0.4m
Iron sheet: 1 × 0.8 + (1 × 0.4 + 0.8 × 0.4) × 2 = 2.24 square meters

In the acute triangle ABC, ab = 15, BC = 14, s triangle ABC = 84

In RT △ abd, BD ^ 2 = AB ^ 2-ad ^ 2, BD = 9, so CD = bc-bd = 14-9 = 5, then Tanc = ad / CD = 12 / 5

Eating vegetables and fruit is good for your health?

The subject here is not vegetables, but eating vegetables and fruit! The heart word is eating, which is a gerund. Where gerund is the subject, the predicate is singular

A right triangle knows that the bottom is 12 meters and the height is 6 meters. How to calculate the length of the hypotenuse?
Hypotenuse = radical 180 = 6 times radical 5
Square of a + square of B = square of C
Square of two right angle sides = hypotenuse
I'm a scholar, please give me some advice

Right! Hypotenuse = root 180 = 6 times root 5

Left (antonym) fifth (cardinal) different (antonym) postcard (plural) Dictionary (plural) bus (plural)

Left (antonym) ---- right
Fifth (cardinal) ---- five
Different (antonym) ---- same
Postcards (plural)
Dictionaries (plural)
Bus (plural)

C / COSC = A / cosa how to prove a = C with cosine theorem

∵ COSC = (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2-C ^ 2) / (2Ab), cosa = (b ^ 2 + C ^ 2-A ^ 2) / (2BC), and C / COSC = A / cosa, ∵ C / [(a ^ 2 + B ^ 2-C ^ 2) / (2Ab)] = A / [(b ^ 2 + C ^ 2-A ^ 2) / (2BC)], ∵ ABC / (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2-C ^ 2) = ABC / (b ^ 2 + C ^ 2-A ^ 2)

If the auxiliary verb in English uses the past tense, do verbs still need to be used?

Different auxiliary verbs have different forms, such as
The auxiliary verb did in the past tense is followed by the original form;
The auxiliary verb was / were followed by - ing in the past continuous
The past perfect auxiliary verb had is followed by the past participle

How to understand the universality of the law of negation of negation

”It can only be formed through the process of the unity of opposites, that is: Ken's development of the unity of opposites is a process, people's recognition stage (including the negative unity of opposites), the negative stage (including a clear understanding, but the existence of the unity of opposites itself is a positive unity of opposites), and the negative stage of negation (sublating some comrades' understanding is not so clear, The negation of negation only shows that the unity of opposites is a static phase between the two sides of opposites. Now the unity of opposites in the third stage is only related to the first two stages, such as up and down, left and right, front and back, positive and negative, etc. Although the paragraph is the unity of opposites, it does not show the negation of negation, It seems that if the opposites are arranged together, they will form a contradiction. In other words, the negation of negation is the unity of opposites, and the unity of opposites is understood as a process. I don't know that the unity of two sides of contradiction is not necessarily the negation process of negation. Therefore, it is a moving process to connect and unify

Add plural or singular after none? Give an example

When "None" is used as the subject, if it is used with "of" to refer to an uncountable noun, the predicate verb should be in the singular; when it refers to a countable noun, the predicate verb can be in the singular or plural
None of them has / have seen me before.
None of this money belongs to me.