Draw the largest triangle in the square. The area of the triangle is () of the area of the parallelogram

Draw the largest triangle in the square. The area of the triangle is () of the area of the parallelogram

Draw the largest triangle in the square. The area of the triangle is half of that of the parallelogram

As shown in the figure is a circle with a radius of 4cm. (1) make the largest square in the circle. (2) the area of the square accounts for about half of the area of the circle______ %.

(1) The drawing is as follows: (2) square area: 4 × 2 × 4 △ 2 × 2 = 32 (square centimeter), circle area: 3.14 × 42 = 50.24 (square centimeter), 32 △ 50.24 ≈ 63.7%. Answer: square area accounts for 63.7% of circle area

What is the ratio of the area of the big and small squares?

In a circle, the triangle centered on the center of the circle has the largest area, so at the beginning, assuming that the side length of the square is 2, the radius of the largest circle is 1, so that the root sign 3 of the triangle with the largest area of 3 times is in the ratio 4. The largest square in the triangle has the bottom edge on one side of the triangle, and the other two small points on the other two sides

In the acute triangle ABC, the opposite sides of angles a, B and C are ABC respectively. The known side a = 2 √ 3, and the area of triangle ABC s = √ 3 / 4 (b ^ 2 + C ^ 2-A ^ 2)
Find the value range of (1) angle a (2) perimeter L


In the acute triangle ABC, a, B and C are the opposite sides of angle a, angle B and angle C respectively. Given that B = 2, C = 2 radical, 3 angle B = 30 degrees, the area of triangle ABC can be calculated

According to the sine theorem, B / SINB = C / sinc, we can get 2 / sin30 degree = 2 / sinc, the solution is sinc = root 3 / 2, so the angle c = 60 degrees or 120 degrees, and because it is an acute triangle, so the angle c = 60 degrees
So angle a = 180-30-60 = 90 degrees
So s = BC / 2 = 2

In the acute triangle ABC, we know that a + B = 2 √ 3, ab = 2, and the area of the triangle is √ 3 / 2. We can find the value of angle c and edge C
To process ~!

Because a + B = 2 √ 3, then (a + b) ^ 2 = 12 = a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 + 2Ab, then a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 = 8 can be obtained from the above formula and ab = 2, and because s = AB sinc / 2 = √ 3 / 2, then sinc = √ 3 / 2, C = 60 degrees, C = a ^ 2 + B ^ 2-2abcosc = 8-2 = 6

Draw a triangle with the largest area in a rectangle. The area of the triangle must be half of that of the rectangle


Draw the largest triangle in a rectangle. The area of the triangle is ()


In a rectangle, you can draw countless triangles with an area equal to half the area of the rectangle______ &Nbsp; (judge right or wrong)

In a rectangle, the bottom of the triangle is equal to the length of the rectangle, and the vertex on the top is on the other length. Because there are countless points on the other length, we can draw countless such triangles

A rectangle is 10 cm long and 6 cm wide. Draw the largest triangle inside it. The area of the triangle is

Take one length of the rectangle as the base of the triangle, and take a point on the other length
Connect the ends of the bottom edge
So it's a triangle
No matter what shape this triangle is
Its area is s = 10 * 6 / 2 = 30
Generally speaking, the length of a rectangle is used as the bottom and the width as the height