An isosceles triangle, one side is 30 cm long, the other side is 65 cm long, the triangle circumference is 30 cm

An isosceles triangle, one side is 30 cm long, the other side is 65 cm long, the triangle circumference is 30 cm

Isosceles triangle if the waist is 30 * 2 "65, so the waist is 65

If one side of an isosceles triangle is nine centimeters long and the other side is six centimeters long, the circumference of the triangle is nine centimeters long

1) If the base is 6, the waist is 9 and the circumference is 24
2) If the base is 9, the waist is 6 and the circumference is 21

If an isosceles triangle is 30 cm long on one side and 50 cm long on the other side, the perimeter of the triangle is~

30, 50, 110
30 50 circumference 130

If one side of an isosceles triangle is 3cm long and the other side is 6cm long, its perimeter is______ .

When the waist of an isosceles triangle is 3cm, the three sides are 3cm, 3cm, 6cm, and the triangle is not established. When the waist of an isosceles triangle is 6cm, the three sides are 3cm, 6cm, 6cm, and the triangle is established. The perimeter is 3 + 6 + 6 = 15cm

The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 3.10 cm, and the length of one side is 8 cm, which is not equal to the length of the other side How much is less

30-8 × 2 = 14 (CM),
(30-8) △ 2 = 11 (CM),
A: the length of the side that is not equal to it is 14 cm, or it may be 11 cm

The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 30 cm, one side of which is 8 cm long, and the length of the other side which is not equal to it is 30 cm______ Centimeter, maybe______ Cm

(1) 30-8 × 2, = 30-16, = 14 (CM); (2) (30-8) △ 2, = 22 △ 2, = 11 (CM); so the answer is: 14, 11

The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 110 cm, and the length ratio of two sides is 4:3. The waist length of this isosceles triangle is () cm or () cm

40 33

The lengths of the two adjacent sides of an isosceles triangle are 4cm and 5cm respectively. What is the circumference of the triangle
Please help me

(1) Waist 4; base 5
Perimeter = 4 + 4 + 5 = 13 cm
(2) Waist 5; base 4
Perimeter = 5 + 5 + 4 = 14 cm

The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 120 cm, and the length ratio of two adjacent sides is 2:1. How many cm is the base of the isosceles triangle

Bottom 120 (1 + 2 + 2) = 24cm

The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 160cm. The ratio of the length of its waist to the length of its bottom is 3:2. The length of one waist of this triangle is longer______ Cm, bottom length______ Cm

Suppose the waist length of the triangle is x cm, then the bottom length is 23x cm, 2x + 23x = 160, 83x = 160, x = 160 × 38, x = 60; 23x = 23 × 60 = 40; therefore, this question should be filled in 60 and 40 respectively