The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 32cm. The length of the waist is 3 times longer than that of the bottom, which is 6cm more than that of the bottom. Find the length of each side

The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 32cm. The length of the waist is 3 times longer than that of the bottom, which is 6cm more than that of the bottom. Find the length of each side

Let the waist length be x and the bottom edge be y
The solution is {x = 10, y = 12
The waist is 10 cm and the bottom is 12 cm

An isosceles triangle is divided into two triangles by the middle line of its waist. If the perimeter difference is 2 cm and the perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 18 cm, then its waist length is 2 cm___ .

According to the meaning of the question, let the waist length be x and the bottom length be y. (1) when the waist is longer than the bottom length, the solution is: X-Y = 22x + y = 18, i.e. the waist length is 203cm; (2) when the bottom is longer than the waist length, the solution is: x-x = 22x + y = 18, i.e. the waist length is 163cm, i.e. x = 163y = 223, i.e. the waist length is 163cm

An isosceles triangle with a circumference of 21 cm is divided into two triangles by the middle line of a waist. If the difference between the two triangles is 3 cm, find the length of each side of the isosceles triangle

Let the waist length of an isosceles triangle be x cm and the base length be y cm. According to the meaning of the title, we get 2x + y = 21x − y = 3 or 2x + y = 21y − x = 3, and the solution is x = 8y = 5 or x = 6y = 9, ∵ 8 + 5 > 8, 6 + 6 > 9. The lengths of each side of the base length of the isosceles triangle are 8 cm, 8 cm, 5 cm or 6 cm, 6 cm and 9 cm respectively

The middle line on the waist of an isosceles triangle divides its circumference into two parts of 21cm and 15cm. Find the waist length of the isosceles triangle. Be careful and precise

Analyze the meaning of the question
The median line divides the circumference into two parts: one is waist plus half waist, and the other is half waist plus bottom
The median line divides its circumference into two parts: 21cm and 15cm, so the waist plus half waist equals 21 or 15
The waist can be set as X
Then x + X / 2 = 21 and x = 14;
X + X / 2 = 15 and x = 10

Given the midline of a waist of isosceles triangle, divide its circumference into two parts: 21cm and 15cm

When the waist length plus half of the waist length is 21, the waist length is 14 and the bottom length is 8. When the waist length plus half of the waist length is 15, the waist length is 10 and the bottom length is 16

The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 21cm. The middle line on one waist divides the isosceles triangle into two triangles with a circumference difference of 3cm. Find the length of each side of the isosceles triangle?

Two cases: the waist is 3 times longer than the bottom, and the bottom is 3 times longer than the waist
1、 Let the waist length be x, then the bottom length be x-3
Bottom length = 8-3 = 5
2、 Let the waist length be x, then the bottom length be x + 3
Bottom length = 6 + 3 = 9
After this kind of topic completes, must see, whether forms a triangle

An isosceles trapezoid has a waist length of 5 decimeters, a circumference of 24.5 decimeters and a height of 4.2 decimeters. What is its area?

Upper bottom + lower bottom = 24.5-5 × 2 = 14.5 decimeters
Area = 14.5 × 4.2 △ 2 = 30.45 square decimeter

Isosceles triangle with side length of 6 cm. Perimeter of 20 cm. How many cm is the other side length


The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 20 cm, and the length of one side is 6. Ask the other sides for help

If the side length is 6 is the bottom, then the two waist lengths are (20-6) △ 2 = 7. If the side length is 6 is the waist, then the bottom length is 20-6x2 = 8, so the other two sides are 7 and 7 or 6 and 8

One side of an isosceles triangle is 6cm long and its circumference is 20cm

(1) If 6cm is the base, then the waist length = (20-6) / 2 = 7cm (2). If 6cm is the waist length, then the base length = (20-6-6) = 8cm, the other waist length is 6cm, according to the sum of the two sides of the triangle is greater than the third side