The definition of subject and object in relation

The definition of subject and object in relation

subject and object
subject and object
The subject is the undertaker of the practical and cognitive activities; the object is the object of the subject's practical and cognitive activities, It has been used since the 17th century. German classical philosophy has made an important contribution in revealing the unity of subject and object. Marxist philosophy establishes the interaction of subject and object on the basis of social practice and scientifically expounds subject, object and their mutual relationship. The relationship between subject and object has different sides, The practical relationship is the relationship between the subject and the object and the object being transformed. In the practical relationship between the subject and the object, the cognitive relationship occurs at the same time. This is the relationship between the subject and the object being grasped and reflected in the concept. The subject and the object are opposite, The subject and the object are not only interrelated and restricted, but also transformed under certain conditions. In the activity of transforming the world, man transforms his purpose, plan and desire into the objective reality opposite to the subject, that is, the object. Similarly, in the process of the subject reflecting and transforming the object, the object moves into the human brain and becomes man's thought and knowledge, Or in the process of the subject reflecting the object, make the natural things become the tool of human, extend human organs, and directly subordinate to the subject

The relationship between the subject and the object of cognition

There are essential differences between the two. The subject of cognition is a person who is in a certain social relationship and engaged in practical activities and cognitive activities. The object of cognition is the object of human practice and cognition that enters into the field of human practical activities and is connected with the subject. The two are unified: the subject and the object are the relationship between cognition and being recognized, and the object restricts the subject

How to understand the relationship between cognitive subject and cognitive object?

The subject of cognition is human, and the object is the object to be understood. The process of cognition is that the object (object) is reflected to the subject (human)

How to understand the dialectical relationship between subject and object and between subjective and objective

I'm sorry, I only remember one thing. I've been learning for a long time
The subject is the consciousness, that is, the subjective reaction of human beings, and the object is the material, that is, the objective existence. Dialectical materialism holds that the material is the first and the consciousness is the second; the material is the objective existence, and the material determines the consciousness, and the consciousness is the reaction of the human brain to the objective things, which has the function of action. The correct consciousness promotes the development of things, and the wrong consciousness hinders the development of things