My teacher composition 400 words, to imitate my teacher Wei, write how to love us If it's math, it's about exams Ha ha, I wrote it out,

My teacher composition 400 words, to imitate my teacher Wei, write how to love us If it's math, it's about exams Ha ha, I wrote it out,

In life, you should have an eye for observation, write down what the teacher has done for you, and add your own feelings

This paper discusses the meaning, main contents and functions of social morality, professional morality and family virtue in China?

The definition of social morality
What is morality? Morality is the behavior standard of what we should and shouldn't do, which is established by people in order to protect the interests of our group. Social morality is a kind of morality existing in the middle of society, which is the behavior standard of what we should and shouldn't do, which is established by people in order to protect the interests of our society, Private morality is a kind of morality existing in the ego group. It is a behavior norm of what we should and shouldn't do, which is established in order to safeguard the interests of our ego group
[editor's note]
Social ethics; social morals
"Public morality" refers to the moral standards gradually formed in the long-term social practice of human beings, which require every social citizen to follow in performing social obligations or activities involving social public interests. In essence, it is the moral standards accumulated in the long history and social practice of a country, a nation or a group, Compared with "private morality", here "public morality" refers to the morality related to the state, organization, collective, nation and society, while "private morality" refers to personal morality, style, habit and morality in personal private life
Social morality is formed according to the needs of common life in social life, such as observing public order, stressing civilization, being polite, being honest and trustworthy, rescuing the wounded and so on. It plays an important role in maintaining social public life and adjusting the relationship between people
As an invisible force, social morality restricts our behavior. Only those who abide by social morality will be respected by people. Those who violate social morality will be despised by people. The content of social morality is not unchangeable, and it has become more colorful with the evolution of history
Nowadays, to build a harmonious socialist society, to establish a socialist core value system, to promote social construction and to implement the scientific outlook on development, we should pay more attention to social morality
In order to better integrate into the society, deal with interpersonal relationships and reduce illegal and criminal activities, we must have good personal cultivation. What is personal cultivation? It is self-awareness, self anatomy, self-education and self-improvement carried out by individuals in the depths of their hearts. As an invisible force, personal cultivation restricts our behavior, Of course, the content of personal cultivation is not invariable, it also becomes more colorful with practice
Since ancient times, China has been a "land of Rites". The study of personal cultivation began in ancient society. The ancients once proposed "self-cultivation". When Sun Yat Sen established the Republic of China in modern times, he got rid of many bad social habits, New China takes ideological and moral education as a compulsory course for primary and secondary school students; ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis has become one of the compulsory courses of Ideological and political theory for today's college students
Love and dedication, respect for the old and the young, honesty and trustworthiness, harmony between husband and wife, helping others, thrifty home, collecting money Chinese traditional virtues deeply affect generations of Chinese people. Of course, we should also look at the social morality and keep the essence and the dross with the vision of advancing with the times.
[edit this paragraph] [1. The meaning and characteristics of social morality]
(1) The meaning of social morality
Social morality can be understood in broad sense and narrow sense. Social morality in broad sense refers to the morality reflecting the common interests of class, nation or society. It includes the moral requirements specially advocated and implemented by certain society and certain country, and even in the form of legal provisions, In a narrow sense, social morality refers to the simplest and minimum public life rules that are gradually accumulated in the long-term practice of social life and are necessary for social public life. It generally refers to the public order, civilization, politeness, sanitation and other behavior norms that affect public life. Social morality is the core of human society In class society, although there are different classes and different divisions of labor, all members of the society in the same social environment of the same era, for the sake of mutual communication and maintaining the minimum living order of the society, The county must abide by the minimum simple rules of life necessary for this generation and society
(2) The characteristics of social morality
Social morality is a kind of precipitation and accumulation of civilization achievements of human society
Social morality is the basic level of the social moral system. It is regarded as the minimum moral standard in every society and the most basic moral requirement for maintaining the normal progress of social public life, On this basis, there are many higher moral standards and moral requirements
The degree to which morality is good or bad
In the same society, no matter what class or occupation any social member belongs to, he must abide by the simple rules of social public life, Otherwise, it will be condemned by public opinion. Sometimes, the state, social organizations and institutions can even intervene with state power, administrative power and economic power
3. Relative stability. Social morality, as "the minimum rules of public life that people have known for centuries and repeatedly talked about in all codes of conduct for thousands of years", is the crystallization of human experience in adjusting the most general relations in public life from generation to generation, Compared with other moral branches, social morality, which regulates this kind of relationship, has more stability in history. Moreover, with the development of social material civilization and spiritual civilization, social morality always preserves and develops its progressive and reasonable aspects, and eliminates its backward and unreasonable parts
[edit this paragraph] [2. Contents and requirements of social morality]
The content of social morality is the basic norms and requirements for all aspects of public life
1. Be polite
In social public life, people should live in harmony, behave civilly and treat each other with courtesy. Consciously put an end to bad habits such as swearing, random suspicion and cheating others. This is the minimum requirement of life
2. Helping others
In public life, people should be united and friendly, care for each other, and help each other. People who love each other love each other, and people who believe in others believe in each other. In real life, it is impossible for everyone to be happy all the time and everything goes smoothly, It is inevitable to encounter such and such difficulties and problems. There will always be times when people need help and relief. This requires people to help each other, help each other in danger, be charitable and take pleasure in helping others. For illegal acts, every citizen should distinguish right from wrong, stand up, fight bravely and bravely, and have the responsibility and obligation to consciously maintain and expand social order
3. Take good care of public property
Taking good care of public property is an extremely important part of social morality, especially in public places. We should take good care of the state and public property
4. Protect the environment
In order to keep the environment of social public life clean, comfortable and clean, and ensure the health of social members, every citizen should pay attention to public health and protect the living environment, which is also the most basic code of conduct that people should follow in social public life, It reflects the civilization and spiritual outlook of a nation
5. Abide by the law
Law is the necessary restriction and norm of citizens' behavior and the supplement to morality. Consciously abiding by laws, regulations and disciplines is the most basic requirement of social morality. In public life, if people want to smoothly carry out social activities, they must have rules to follow and follow certain norms of behavior. Every member of society must abide by the relevant laws and regulations issued by the state, Only when people act in accordance with the relevant provisions of laws, regulations and disciplines, can they not interfere with the normal activities of others, and also protect their own activities, so as not to cause losses and injuries to the society and others, and maintain the relative stability and harmony of social public life, Every member of society should consciously raise their legal awareness, enhance their concept of law and discipline, consciously use discipline to guide and restrict their own behavior, consciously fulfill their obligations stipulated by law and discipline, and dare and be good at using legal weapons to fight against all kinds of violations of law and discipline, And can correctly use the law and discipline means to protect their legitimate rights and interests from infringement, truly know the law, abide by the law
3. Consciously abide by social morality
Social morality, as the minimum and simplest code of conduct in human social life, is closely related to the vital interests of the broad masses of the people and is produced to meet the needs of society and people. It has a special and extensive social role in people's social life. Every member of society should consciously abide by social morality
1. Abiding by social morality is the necessary condition for maintaining the normal order of social public life. Social morality is the minimum criterion for maintaining the normal order and stable environment of public places and maintaining the real social life, and is the basic condition for the stable development of people's real social life
2. Abiding by social morality is the most basic requirement to become a moral person. Social morality plays the role of maintaining the stability and justice of reality, promoting good and punishing evil, It plays a strong role of supervision by public opinion and spiritual inspiration in social production and life. This role of social morality is embodied in: on the one hand, affirming, maintaining and promoting all thoughts and behaviors that are conducive to or conducive to the survival, development and perfection of society and individuals; on the other hand, negating, restraining and preventing all thoughts that are detrimental to or harmful to the survival, development and perfection of society and individuals This is mainly to promote the society and individuals to abandon the evil and promote the good, support the right and eliminate the evil through the normative way of social morality, so as to guide people's thought and behavior, regulate and regulate people's speech and action in social life, maintain the order of social public life, and serve the needs of society and its members effectively
3. The construction of social morality is not only the basic project of spiritual civilization construction, but also the "window" of spiritual civilization. Social morality is one of the cornerstones and pillars of social morality. The influence of social morality on social morality is stable, profound, extensive and lasting. Social morality is an important part of social spiritual civilization