What is the significance of accelerating social construction focusing on improving people's livelihood

What is the significance of accelerating social construction focusing on improving people's livelihood

We should deeply understand the great significance of accelerating social construction with the focus on improving people's livelihood, develop the trinity of socialist economic construction, political construction and cultural construction into the overall layout of socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction, and emphasize the focus on improving people's livelihood

How to follow the law of children's physical and mental development in Education

1. According to Piaget's theory of children's cognitive development stage, children have different physical and mental characteristics in different periods. Education should follow the physical and mental characteristics of children in different stages of development, and reflect the appropriateness of education contents and methods
2. Education should follow the order of children's physical and mental development. Generally speaking, children's development should be carried out in a certain order. In education, we should not "teach in a strict way", fully consider children's cognitive ability, and give corresponding education at a certain stage of children's development
3. Education should also take into account the particularity of children's physical and mental development. Different children's development has their own particularity on the basis of overall consistency. The same child has different development characteristics at different stages of development. For example, 1-2 years old and adolescence are the periods of rapid development of children, Children's physical and mental development speed is much higher than other periods. Education should not only teach according to children's general development law, but also take care of special children and the particularity of children's different development stages, so as to teach students in accordance with their aptitude and time