Our teacher of introduction to the basic principles of Marxism asked us to write reading notes. Recommend me a book!

Our teacher of introduction to the basic principles of Marxism asked us to write reading notes. Recommend me a book!


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Understanding of the introduction to the basic principles of Marxism
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Marxism has the character of keeping pace with the times. Keeping pace with the times of Marxism is the unity of change and invariability. The key to correctly understand the meaning of keeping pace with the times of Marxism lies in distinguishing the basic principles of Marxism and using these basic principles to analyze specific problems and draw specific conclusions

What do you know about the introduction to the basic principles of Marxism?

An introduction to the basic principles of Marxism
Basic Principle of Marxism
(Note: Marx and Engels: the holy family, published in the complete works of Marx and Engels, Volume 2, people's publishing house, first edition, page 152)
2、 Causes and consequences
(1) Cause: a phenomenon that causes a phenomenon
(2) Result: a phenomenon caused by a certain phenomenon
(3) The characteristics of causality: causality is a connection with time sequence, always the cause comes first and the result comes second, but not all successive phenomena have causality (the boundary between cause and result is certain)
(4) Dialectical relationship: (interdependence, interaction, mutual transformation)
① Interdependence: if there is a cause, there will be a result; if there is a result, there will be a cause; if there is no cause, there will be no cause;
② Interaction: the cause causes the result, and the result reacts on the cause, transforming the result into the cause
③ Mutual transformation: cause and result, the necessary conditions for judging cause and result: the sequential nature of time, cause first and result second; the sufficient conditions for judging cause and result: the relationship between cause and caused. Cause and result are both definite and uncertain. If we look at them separately, we can distinguish them; if we look at them in the chain of infinite development of the world, we can see them separately, The result of an event is the cause of another event, so it is indistinguishable. That is to say, under certain conditions, the cause and result often exchange places
(Note: political review weekly, issue 3, 62 core examination points of Marxist Philosophy in 2008)
3、 "Everything is transferred by condition, place and time". Does this sentence belong to materialist dialectics or dialectical materialism
This sentence can be understood as "everything starts from reality", so it is the requirement of material determining consciousness, belonging to materialism
This sentence can also be understood as "concrete analysis of specific problems", which is the requirement of the particularity of contradiction and dialectics
Everything is transferred by condition, place and time. When time, place and condition change, things are very different
(Note: Stalin: on dialectical materialism and historical materialism, collected works of Stalin (1934-1952), people's publishing house, 1985, P. 206.)
(1) Dialectical materialism holds that the world is material, and the material world is moving, changing and developing. Material is the subject of movement, any movement is the movement of material, and material is the undertaker of movement; movement is the fundamental attribute and mode of existence of material, which includes all changes and processes, and any material is the material of movement
(2) Matter and motion are inseparable: on the one hand, matter is a matter in motion, not without motion. This is because any matter contains internal contradictions, which inevitably lead to motion. Matter exists through motion. On the other hand, motion is the movement of matter, not without motion, Matter is the undertaker of all movements. The forms of material movements are various. They are different from each other and transform into each other under certain conditions
(3) It is a metaphysical materialist world view to conceive the material without movement; it is an idealistic world view to conceive the material without movement
(Note: political handout for postgraduate entrance examination: Chapter 2 questions and answers by Ma Zhe (1))
5、 Lenin said that essence is appearing and phenomenon is essential. It is understood that essence is expressed through phenomenon and felt by our senses. Phenomenon is showing essence and any phenomenon is the reflection of essence
6、 "There is no abstract truth, truth is always concrete." Lenin attached great importance to Marx's dialectical logic method in capital, and pointed out that "we should make full use of this logic to solve the current problems."
(Note: on capital by Marx)