What is the law of negation of negation in mazhe?

What is the law of negation of negation in mazhe?

The negation of negation is the second negation based on the first negation
According to Marx, the process of the development of affairs from affirmation to negation and then to negation of negation shows the dialectical nature of the self-development of affairs. It is a real, natural, historical and dialectical negation, and a negation of reaching the original starting point at a higher stage

What is the law of negation of negation? Its application and embodiment in life

It is one of the basic laws of materialist dialectics. It shows that the whole process of the development of things is composed of affirmation, negation and negation of negation. Negation of negation is the core of the process, the result of the contradictory movement of things themselves, and the solution form of contradictions
It is also known as "the law of affirmation and negation". It is one of the basic laws of materialist dialectics. The law of negation of negation reveals the whole process and general trend of the development of things, and is the comprehensive embodiment of the basic law of materialist dialectics. The development of things is realized through its own dialectical negation. Things are the unity of positive and negative aspects, Things maintain their existing nature, characteristics and tendency. When the negative aspect of things overcomes the positive aspect and occupies the dominant position of contradiction, the nature, characteristics and tendency of things will change, and the old things will be transformed into new things, Every stage in the development of a thing is a negation of the previous stage, and at the same time, it is also negatived by the later stage. After negation of negation, the movement of a thing shows itself as a cycle, repeating some characteristics of the old stage at a higher stage, The law of negation of negation focuses on revealing the direction and path of things' change. The above definitions and explanations are all classic expositions of Marxist philosophy, And the concept of "development" has included the direction of change (that is, upward). The law of negation of negation, which embodies the tortuousness and progressiveness of the development of things, reveals the development process of things from affirmation to negation, and then to negation of negation. It is a regular process for things to improve themselves and develop themselves. In this process, the development of things shows periodicity, That is to say, the development of every thing is from affirmation to negation, and then from negation to new negation. It seems that it has returned to the original starting point, that is, it has completed a cycle. In this cycle, the development of things has experienced two negations, and each negation is not simply abandoned, but retains all the useful elements in the previous stage of development, The negation of negation in the development of things, that is, the new positive stage, is not simply to reproduce the original things and simply return to the original starting point, but to reply to the form and develop the content. It is a process of progress and rise. The development cycle of things includes three stages: the positive stage, the negative stage, and the negative stage of negation, that is, the new positive stage, It reflects the ups and downs and twists and turns of the development of things
Historical evolution of this paragraph
The concept and theory of "negation of negation" was put forward for the first time by G.W.F. Hegel, who summarized the relevant thoughts in the history of European philosophy. He used "negation of negation" to describe the self movement of "absolute spirit" and used it as the basic method to construct his philosophical system, He analyzed the contradiction of the concept itself, and thought that any concept can be summed up as the unity of opposites of affirmation and negation. Affirmation is the concept itself, which is the abstract state of the concept. Negation is the opposite of the nature of the concept itself, The nature of concept is the unity of abstract and concrete. Therefore, negation must be negated again, and return to affirmation, so that negation and affirmation, that is, the combination of concrete and abstract, is negation of negation. Negation of negation is the sublation of the original concept, so that it has more abundant content, The original concept has got a new development. Because the concept of the beginning of this process coincides with the concept of the end, Hegel compares the negation of negation to the circle development. In the circle movement, each negation of negation is not only the explanation and return of the original concept, but also the starting point of new development, Hegel's "absolute spirit", from logical stage to natural stage to spiritual stage, and a series of small stages in each stage, is composed of affirmation (positive), negation (negative) and negation (combination) of negation, Hegel's theory of negation of negation is based on idealism. But his abstract and speculative expression contains many reasonable factors, which unconsciously reflects the movement and connection of objective things, It has become the direct ideological source of Marxist philosophy about the law of negation of negation. Marxist philosophy has revolutionized Hegel's law of negation of negation, which has gained the scientific content of materialism. The law of negation of Marxist philosophy is not logically deduced from concepts and thinking, It is extracted from the development of objective things and reality, and reflects the general law of the development of things in nature and social history
Edit the substance of this paragraph
According to Marxist philosophy, the development of things is realized through its own dialectical negation. Everything is the unity of opposites between positive and negative aspects. The contradiction between the two aspects makes things change from positive to negative, and the development of things changes from positive to negative, That is to say, in the development of things themselves, negation develops and discards affirmation. Things change the original form and nature of existence, and turn something into something else. Negation of something by other things is the necessary stage of the development of things themselves. However, in the negation stage, only the negation of things has achieved one-sided development, and the contradiction between affirmation and negation has not been completely solved, The self-development of things has not yet been completed. Due to the development of internal contradictions, other things that are negative things must also be negated, and the negator will be negated, that is, the negation of negation. After two dialectical negations, both sides of the contradiction have been fully developed, and their one sidedness has been sublated, On the new basis, it achieves the unity of affirmation and negation. Through affirmation, negation and negation, the negation of negation is the new affirmation. Things reproduce themselves on the new basis, as if they are the return of the original things. But it is not a simple repetition of the original things, but a return on a higher and richer basis. It is a new thing that completes the natural development process, To the negation of negation, it forms a cyclical spiral series (see the spiral of development), which forms the whole development process, The negation of negation refers to the development and solution process of the same contradiction of the same thing. The qualitative stipulation of each thing or one aspect of a thing contains the contradiction of affirmation and negation, It is common to go through such three stages as affirmation negation negation of negation, or two negations in three links. However, things are different in scope and complexity. Different things and different aspects of quality are included in each other according to certain levels. Each level has to complete its own negation process first, The negation of negation is the result of the contradictory movement of things themselves. But this result is not static. In this result, when the original contradiction is solved, new contradiction will appear, and there will be contradiction, Development will not stop. The result of the negative process of the last negation becomes the positive link of another development process and starts another negative process of negation. Therefore, negation of negation is both the result and the beginning. The contradiction of things is absolute and the development is infinite, The negation of negation will never reach a final destination. Negation of negation is the general law of the development of things. But different things have their own characteristics in different conditions. Some things only go through one cycle, Some things have to go through many cycles. For example, the movement of money commodity money has to go through thousands of cycles before money can be converted into capital. The negation of negation is the unity of recovery and advancement, The negation of negation is the general trend of the development of things. In this process, things are constantly sublated, constantly changed and updated. However, due to the influence of various complex situations and accidental events, this process may temporarily reverse, regress, bias and other phenomena, which makes the development process of things tortuous, In materialist dialectics, the law of mutual change of quality, the law of unity of opposites and the law of negation of negation are universal laws throughout the development process of things. However, the first two laws reveal the internal development power and state of things from the aspects of things and their development stages, The law of negation of negation reveals the dialectical development of things from the aspect of spiral forward movement, and sums up the whole picture of the contradictory movement process of things in the most general form, The law of negation of negation provides a comprehensive picture for people to grasp the development and dialectical process of things caused by contradictions. It is an important part of materialist dialectics and occupies an important position in the scientific system of materialist dialectics, The general trend and basic direction of the development of things are forward and upward, while the specific ways and roads of development are spiral or undulating; development is the unity of opposites of progressiveness and tortuousness. Consciously applying the law of negation of negation helps to think dialectically, prevent and overcome the one sidedness, straightness and absoluteness of thinking methods, On the one hand, it is necessary to prevent the development of things from being regarded as a straight-line theory that can be realized without any twists and turns and hard struggle; on the other hand, it is necessary to oppose the circular and pessimistic ideas that only see the twists and turns of the development of things but not the progressiveness of the development in the basic direction and trend, And from this negative conclusion of denying the inevitability of the development of things and the inevitability of social progress
The spiral development of this paragraph
The spiral of development refers to the philosophical description of the twists and turns that inevitably appear in the development process of things, and the law of negation of negation. It shows that the development of things from simple to complex and from low level to high level is not linear, but approximate