Why does science and technology play a huge role in social development

Why does science and technology play a huge role in social development

The role of science and technology in social development science and technology is a special social phenomenon and social activity of human society. It is produced on the basis of human practice, and in turn affects human society

The influence of information technology on social development

This paper analyzes the positive effects of modern information technology on urban development, such as urban planning, urban industrial structure, urban spatial structure, urban functions, urban transportation, urban architecture, urban management, and urban residents' lifestyle. At the same time, it also analyzes some negative effects of modern information technology on urban development
The invention of the steam engine led to the initial industrial revolution and the development of urbanization; the popularity of automobiles, Modern information technology, represented by computer and network technology and modern communication technology, is the leading field of the development of modern science and technology. Modern information technology is developing at a speed that no other technology has ever seen before, and has been involved in all aspects of society with a depth and breadth that no other technology has ever seen before, No matter how brief the memorabilia since the second world war are, they will not ignore the great progress of information technology and its extensive economic and social impact
I. positive impact of modern information technology on urban development
Nowadays, the world is striding forward to the information age. Information has become the "blood" and "lubricant" of social and economic development. Modern information technology has widely penetrated and changed people's life, study and work. Information industry is gradually becoming the largest industry in the world, Many aspects of urban development, such as urban planning, urban construction, urban management, urban traditional form and function, are also influenced by modern information technology without exception. Cities are facing new opportunities for development
  1 The efficiency and scientific nature of urban planning have been improved. Urban planning is the root of urban construction. Urban planning is a new method of urban construction, which has been widely used in the field of urban construction. As a result of the development of the management of the "ladder base" and the management of the "ladder base" and the "nephnephnephew" is in danger, and the "ladder base" has become a hot topic in urban planning. Urban planning is the root of urban construction. Urban planning is the foundation of urban construction. The "ladder base" has been established in the urban planning, which has become one of the "new school" has been established to guide the "aluminum sheath" which is the "aluminum sheath" which is the "aluminum sheath" which is the "aluminum sheath" which is the "aluminum sheath" which is the "aluminum sheath" which is the "aluminum sheath" which is the "which is the" aluminum sheath "which is the" which is the "the" the "aluminum" which is the "the" the "the" the "hot pepper" which is the "which is the" which is the "the" it's a time-consuming product that can be used as a code In order to reflect the urban planning, we should take the theory and method of geo information science, human settlements science and regional sustainable development as the basis. 1 The main contents are: ideal, rational, integrated, systematic, dynamic and ecological ideas; 2. The multi-level human settlement environment with region as the main body; 3. The method of decision support
2. Great changes have taken place in the industrial structure of the city, which are mainly reflected in three aspects: 1. A large number of new industries have emerged on the basis of modern information technology; 2. Through the transformation of traditional industries by modern information technology, the traditional industries have obvious traces of information, so as to obtain a new way out; 3. The vigorous development of service industry, In a word, the urban industrial structure begins to change from the traditional industrial economy model to the new information economy model. In addition, corresponding to the transformation of urban industrial structure, urban employment presents the characteristics of "softening", That is to say, the proportion of "soft occupations" in employment structure increases
The industrial revolution, which broke out in the 18th century, concentrated capital and population to the city, and started the process of modern urbanization. The development of the city mainly showed the trend of centralization, which was based on the scale economy and agglomeration economy of manufacturing industry, However, with the development of modern information technology, information network will break the time and space restrictions of urban residents' work, education, life, shopping, medical treatment and entertainment, People's dependence on offices, schools, shopping centers, hospitals and transportation tools has been greatly reduced; part of industrial production has also been less dependent on resources and highly concentrated production scale, weakening the power of agglomeration. This has greatly broadened the activity space of the city, and enabled the city to extend the geographical distribution of its various functions, The urban spatial layout structure also presents the trend of diffusion. In the overall trend of diffusion, the city also has a certain degree of agglomeration. As the modern society is more and more complex, it needs higher quality coordination and cooperation, which requires the city's various functions to be integrated
Modern information technology enables urban development to choose its scale and spatial structure more freely according to their own needs. The trend of diffusion will lead to the dispersion of industry and population in cities, especially mega cities and big cities, which will lead to the outward migration of some industrial functions, and the emergence of some new urban groups in the periphery of cities, The functional structure of the city is purified, and the spatial division is more clear; the trend of agglomeration promotes the further development and prosperity of the central area, and the central function of the city is more powerful
On the one hand, the emergence of modern information technology has provided advanced technical conditions for information processing and convenience for people to use orderly information; on the other hand, the emergence of modern information technology has accelerated the generation and transmission of information, The excellent service level of transportation, communication, science and technology, mass media and convenient information interchange provide good objective conditions for the development of the information industry. At the same time, the strengthening of the city's central position also requires the development of the information industry to speed up. As a knowledge intensive emerging industry, the information industry must first rise in the city, The city is not only the distribution center of people flow and logistics, but also the place to create, obtain and disseminate information. Information is a resource and wealth. The level of information development and service, and the development of information industry have become important symbols of the level of urban social and economic development, The modernization of information market has provided cities with the best environment for the development of information industry. Cities at all levels will gradually become the centers of information circulation management and service in different regions, especially the information center functions of big cities and mega cities will be strengthened day by day, The history of urban development will go through the evolution from political center to economic center and then to cultural information center
Urban traffic problem is one of the imbalances in the process of urban growth and development. The traditional way to solve traffic congestion is to develop the collective transportation system, restrict the development of private cars, increase the density of road network and so on, but they are only "scratch the surface" and "treat the symptoms but not the root cause", It is possible to solve this problem fundamentally. Firstly, the urban traffic problem is caused by the imbalance between the increasing traffic volume and the lagging traffic facilities. Due to the modern information technology, human beings have crossed the space-time limit, changed the way of communication and communication with the outside world, and the number and times of trips in the city have decreased, so the total traffic volume of the city will inevitably decline, Modern information technology will greatly improve the service level of existing transportation facilities. Through the establishment of intelligent transportation system its, the information transmission and exchange processing of the system of "information inside people and vehicles visible environment information outside vehicles invisible environment information outside vehicles" will be solved, and the traffic flow of the city will be comprehensively and dynamically controlled, Based on the above two points -- the decline of traffic volume and the improvement of service level of traffic facilities, supplemented by guiding traffic policies, the urban traffic environment will be greatly improved, and the traffic services will be efficient and fast
The first intelligent building in the world was built in Hartford, Connecticut, USA in 1984. Now the intelligent building has become the symbol of urban modernization, Intelligent buildings have office automation, building automation, communication automation, fire automation and security monitoring automation
As we all know, city is a complex system of society, economy and nature. City management is a comprehensive management involving many aspects, variables, levels and objectives. Traditional management methods are increasingly not suitable for the more complex and changeable trend of urban development. Modern information technology can provide a variety of background information very quickly, It can reduce the information distortion caused by backward communication means, simple way and postal route error, so that the decision-making can be more scientific, meticulous and timely. Urban management and monitoring means will become more advanced and developed. With the help of computer network, urban construction and management can really get rid of the "rule of man" and embark on the "rule of law" track
Modern information technology not only affects the tangible aspects of the city, but also has no impact on the city
Information network makes "telecommuting", "distance teaching", "online shopping, medical treatment and entertainment" become a part of people's daily life. It also strengthens people's information exchange, promotes cultural diversity and diversity, and makes it easier for people to express their wishes to the society, The management society participating in public affairs will further move towards openness and democratization
Second, the negative impact of modern information technology on urban development
The development of science and technology is like a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it brings light to the future of mankind and makes people look forward to the future; on the other hand, it also makes the future of mankind cast a shadow and makes people worry and worry
The development of modern information technology makes people pay more attention to living environment instead of urban spatial location, which will accelerate the evacuation of urban population to the countryside and make the remaining forests, wilderness, rare animals and plants disappear more quickly. This requires the government to strengthen the management of environmental protection
Although the number of jobs created by modern information technology is less than that replaced by it, it is still a consensus that the development of modern information technology makes the employment structure of society intelligent. Therefore, at least modern information technology will lead to structural unemployment, This requires the city education information network to provide convenience
The information superhighway can reduce the spatial difference to the minimum, but because of the high speed of information