The role of science and technology in social development A brief answer by Ma Zhe, The answer is different from the social role of scientific and technological revolution

The role of science and technology in social development A brief answer by Ma Zhe, The answer is different from the social role of scientific and technological revolution

Science and technology is a special social phenomenon and social activity of human society. It is based on human practice, and in turn affects human society, What are "science" and "technology"? Science refers to the understanding of the objective world, the knowledge system reflecting the objective facts and laws and its related activities. It is divided into natural science, social science and thinking science. Technology can be divided into broad and narrow senses, The broad sense of technology includes production technology and non production technology. The narrow sense of technology refers to production technology, that is, the methods and means of human transforming nature and producing
Science is a kind of spiritual activity, belonging to the category of consciousness form. It is people's rational understanding of the laws of the objective world. Technology is the application of scientific knowledge in the production process, It is the sum of experiences, methods, techniques, techniques and abilities accumulated by human beings in the process of understanding and transforming the world. It is a materialized science. For a long time, the revolutions of science and technology have always occurred in parallel and separately. Since the 19th century, especially in the contemporary era, the relationship between scientific revolution and technological revolution has become increasingly close, Scientific revolution and technological revolution have been integrated. "Scientific and technological revolution" reflects this new social phenomenon. However, science and technology is a "double-edged sword". It brings unprecedented prosperity to human society, but also has a negative effect, causing great harm to human life
The positive effect of science and technology on social development is mainly manifested in the promotion of science and technology on social development: first, the revolution of science and technology promotes the change of production mode. First, the development of science and technology promotes the change of means of labor (mainly production tools). For example, the development of ironmaking technology makes ironware used in agricultural production, Secondly, science and technology promote the transformation of labor objects. For example, the development of ocean exploration technology is the expansion of human production activities to the seabed, the development of aerospace technology makes human step into the broad universe, and nanotechnology is the more updated means of production, The development of science and technology promotes the improvement of the scientific and cultural quality of workers. Second, the development of science and technology is the main driving force and growth point of modern social production and economic development. The most obvious thing is that the development of science and technology promotes the change of industrial structure. Since the industrial revolution, large machine production has replaced manual labor, and industry has developed rapidly, gradually exceeding the proportion of agriculture, Third, the development of science and technology promotes the change of life style, such as changing people's way of communication, consumption, learning, leisure and entertainment

What is the important role of science and technology in promoting social development?

It expands human's understanding of the real universe,
It increases the ability of human beings to solve problems,
It improves the efficiency of economic production,
The scope of human activities is enlarged,
Make it easier for people to communicate (for example, you ask questions to human here, I say a lot here, and aliens may see it)

What is the role of science and technology in social development
The role of science and technology in social development
It's good and bad
Be specific

Advantages: Science and technology is the first, thank you! Productivity! This is information technology to promote industrialization, industrialization to promote information technology! Low resource consumption, less waste, give full play to China's human resources, comprehensively promote national development! Disadvantages: pollution of the environment!

Examples are given to illustrate the role of scientific and technological progress in social development

The history of the development of science and technology is the history of human understanding and transforming nature, and it is also an important part of the history of human civilization
Today, when human beings bravely fly to space, when robots come out, when high-definition digital color TV sets come into daily life
In court life, when Dolly the cloned sheep was born, the whole world was shocked, when people were amazed at the magical function of modern science and technology
At that time, do you know the excellent effect of separation science, a branch of chemical engineering, in modern science and technology
What is the contribution and position in the development?
Information science, materials science and bioengineering are known as the three leading science, and new materials are also known as the pillar of modern civilization
One of the reasons is that there are no new materials with various patterns, complete varieties, unique functions and high purity, and all high and new technologies are limited
It can be a castle in the air. Computers, robots, spaceships and so on are just fables, so no matter what kind of high and new technology
Chemical separation and purification technology
As a part of science and technology, art provides a reliable guarantee for the realization of various human needs
Technology has been able to make the impurity content of products less than one billionth, known as the modern separation expert of solvent extraction (liquid-liquid)
Extraction is one of the modern separation technologies. For example, in the reprocessing of nuclear fuel, extraction separation technology is used to separate irradiated samples
The recovery of uranium and plutonium in the artificial nuclide item 239 was studied
The removal efficiency (decontamination coefficient) can reach 106 ~ 108
As a term, solvent extraction may not be familiar to many people, but as a practical separation method, it has been widely used
The history of solvent extraction for the separation of inorganic compounds is well documented
First, it was found that uranyl nitrate could be extracted from nitric acid solution by diethyl ether, and then some other inorganic compounds were found in practice
By the end of the 19th century, a semi empirical quantitative relationship of liquid-liquid equilibrium was established
From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, Nernst proposed the famous law of Nernst distribution, which laid an early theoretical foundation for the development of extraction chemistry and chemical industry,
People began to apply extraction separation technology in organic chemical industry and petrochemical industry, such as the extraction of acetic acid with ester extractant and the separation of acetic acid with ester extractant
Liquid sulfur dioxide is used as extractant to remove aromatics from kerosene. In 1930s, people tried to apply extraction separation technology
However, due to the limitation of the conditions at that time, no substantial progress has been made
Born in the war, based on the need of producing nuclear fuel, extraction separation technology has been widely used both in theory and in practice
With the rapid development, especially the application of tributyl phosphate as the extractant of nuclear fuel, the extraction separation technology has entered a new stage
Then, extraction separation technology is applied in rare earth separation, hydrometallurgy, inorganic chemical industry, organic chemical industry and medical industry
Up to now, the extraction separation technology can involve almost all elements in the periodic table of elements, and has become one of the main members of the separation technology. Therefore, as long as you are serious
Understand the brilliant history of extraction separation technology, will be attracted by its excellent function
We are now in a historical period of transformation from an industrialized society to an information society. Under such a background, modern science and technology are also changing from the era of large science and technology to the era of super large science and technology. The development of science and technology in this era is different from the era of small science and technology under the guidance of individuals and the era of large science and technology under the guidance of the government, It is an era of diversified science and technology development with enterprise science and technology innovation as the main body. The development of unconventional science and technology will gradually replace conventional science and technology and become the mainstream of future science and technology development
In such a period of historical transformation, the development of science and technology in China is facing a severe challenge and a very good development opportunity. The era of super large science and technology development will inevitably lead to the adjustment of science and technology development strategies and policies of various countries, I would like to interact and discuss with netizens on the issue of "Super Science and technology" and the construction of independent innovation road with Chinese characteristics, so as to make suggestions for national development
Research on the history of modern science in China urgently needs to be carried out
"People create history, but they are ignorant of the history they are creating." this famous saying of Western philosophers seems to be the reality we are facing. For more than 100 years, our ancient civilization, which has a long history tradition, has been bumping up and down in the tide of modernization and is still on the road of catching up with the advanced, There is a strong contrast between modern and ancient times, especially in the history of science and technology. In a period of time, the spread of ultra left trend of thought makes people avoid talking about modern history. So for a long time, the history of ancient science and technology is the mainstream of the study of Chinese history of science and technology, The history of modern science and technology is still hidden in the fog of history
Since the introduction of modern science and technology into China in the 19th century, it has gone through an extraordinary tortuous process. From the "learning from foreign countries" and "seeking strength and wealth" in the self-improvement movement in the middle of the 19th century, to the thoughts of "saving the country by science" and "saving the country by industry" in the early 20th century, from the "March to science" in the 50 years, to the strategy of "rejuvenating the country by science and education" in the late 20th century, How many hopes, dreams and visions have the Chinese people given to science and technology? In the past 150 years, the progress of science and technology in China has been remarkable. However, in the modern science and technology building jointly built by all mankind, the contribution of the Chinese people is still quite limited, and the modernization of science and technology in China has not yet been completed. Standing at the threshold of the new century, how should China develop science and technology and catch up with the international advanced level, To realize the historical task of "rejuvenating the country through science and education"? Facing such a major problem, we should not only deeply understand and learn from the experience of developed countries in science and technology, but also deeply study the development process of modern science and technology in China and its relationship with social culture, so as to accurately grasp the characteristics and development mechanism of science and technology, To sum up the historical experience and lessons of the development of modern science and technology in China, it is a pity that when we are committed to solving the current scientific and technological problems and catching up with the advanced international level, we seldom systematically discuss and summarize the experience and lessons of our scientific and Technological Development in the past 100 or 200 years, As a result, it is not easy for us to fully draw lessons from history. On the contrary, we may repeat the old inappropriate policies and measures, Systematic research on the development history of modern science and technology in China is not only an urgent task of academic research, but also an important task entrusted to us by reality
In order to study the history of modern science and technology in China, we must absorb the rich achievements of the international research on the history of modern science and technology, and we should have the following characteristics