What are the far-reaching impacts of the development of science and technology on human society? Thank you~

What are the far-reaching impacts of the development of science and technology on human society? Thank you~

Learning technology is a decisive force to promote the development of history. The history of science and technology is not only the history of human cognition of nature and the world, but also the history of human wisdom
The 20th century is a century of brilliant achievements in science and technology, as well as a century of growing maturity of human rationality. The vision of human observation of nature has expanded more than 100000 times in both micro and macro aspects: the understanding of the structure of matter has gone from molecules and atomic clusters larger than 10-10 meters to the interior of basic particles smaller than 10-18 meters, On the one hand, due to the in-depth development of various sciences, the natural world around us ranges from molecules, atoms and basic particles to cells, nuclei, chromosomes, DNA molecules and gene fragments, to the universe, celestial bodies, the earth's surface and the interior of the crust, On the other hand, due to the rise of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary disciplines, the gap between various disciplines has been gradually filled, especially the emergence of molecular biology, which makes the gap between physical science and life science begin to disappear, With the rapid development of science and technology, the whole natural science is forming a developing, multi-level and comprehensive unity, The development of philosophy of science, history of science and sociology of science, as well as the alertness to the crisis of ecological environment and the formation of the concept of sustainable development, and the worry about the crisis that science and technology may bring to the development of human society, It marks that the breadth and depth of human reflection and Thinking on science and technology are increasing
In the first half of the 20th century, a series of scientific revolutions have not only profoundly changed human's understanding of the natural landscape of the world, but also led to the rapid development of economy and society. The establishment of relativity, quantum theory and information theory, the discovery of DNA double helix molecular model and quark model, the establishment of system theory and cybernetics, the earth plate model and the hypothesis of cosmic explosion, and the establishment of the earth plate model and the hypothesis of the universe explosion have all brought about great changes, It marks a new revolution in human understanding of matter, energy, space-time, information, life, earth and universe. Quantum chemistry, solid energy band theory, mass energy conversion principle, biological genetic center principle, stimulated radiation theory, feedback control and so on provide epoch-making key scientific principles for technological development, It has created a series of high-tech fields, such as information technology, new materials and manufacturing technology, biotechnology, new energy technology, marine technology and space technology, etc, It leads to the rapid development of computer hardware system from electron tube to transistor to integrated circuit and large-scale integrated circuit, and the development of its software system is based on Mathematics and logic; the combination of light emission and absorption theory from quantum theory and solid-state physics leads to the birth of laser, It has not only developed a variety of lasers, such as semiconductor lasers and gas lasers, but also derived free electron lasers and atomic lasers based on other physical principles, which led to the emergence of laser and optical communication technology; and gene control technology, including the shocking animal Kron technology, It is based on the double helix structure of DNA and the law of genetic center. The rapid development of science and the continuous development of social needs become the basis and driving force of technological progress. Technological innovation and technological invention based on science are constantly emerging, Technological progress also provides unprecedented means of experiment and observation for scientific discovery and research

What are the reasons for the progress of science and technology and its impact on human society?

Capitalist mode of production gradually emerged in feudal society, and a new era of human society began
Since modern times, science and technology began to contact each other and gradually move towards close integration. Under the guidance and promotion of science, technology has made great progress and greatly promoted the development of social economy