What are the definitions of science and technology / what are the differences and connections between them?

What are the definitions of science and technology / what are the differences and connections between them?

Reprinted in the book of leading cadres' popular science knowledge
What is science
Science is a knowledge system of facts, principles, methods and ideas about the laws of nature, human society and human beings, as well as the social activities to create this knowledge system. The task of science is to discover laws, put forward theories, understand the world and explain the world
It is generally believed that science includes at least the following three aspects:
First, science is a kind of knowledge system that people acquire by studying the nature and laws of nature, society and thinking. For example, after studying such natural phenomena and laws as "planting melon to get melon, planting beans to get beans", "one mother gives birth to nine children, and nine children are different", people acquire a knowledge system about biological heredity and variation, which is called "Genetics"
Second, science is not only a kind of knowledge system, but also an activity and a process of producing knowledge system. Knowledge system can not be obtained all in one day. It must go through a dynamic process from unknown to known, from less known to more known. This process may be short or long (for example, It takes a long time to study the origin of life, the origin of human beings, the origin of the universe and other major issues. This process is also a process of continuous development and innovation. We must constantly change our traditional way of thinking and world outlook according to the objective facts, and form a new world outlook and way of thinking. Therefore, rigidity and conservatism will hinder the development of science
Third, science is also a social enterprise. Science is not only carried out by individual scientists, but also needs the participation of the whole society. For example, to study whether there is "antimatter" and "dark matter" in the universe, scientists and governments of all countries need to jointly manufacture and launch "alpha magnetometer"
2. What is technology
Technology is a variety of process operation methods and skills developed according to production practice or scientific principles, as well as the corresponding materials, equipment, process flow, etc. the task of technology is to develop or develop new methods, means, measures or approaches
Technology includes the following three aspects
First, technology is the sum of all material means, tools and methods that people take to change nature and society. Among them, material means or tools (such as various machinery, transportation, etc.) are hardware technology, while technical methods such as steel-making method and alkali making method are software technology
Second, technology is not only a kind of material means, tools or methods, but also a process of transformation from technical ideas or technical scheme design to production technology and engineering technology. Like science, this process is also a process of continuous development and innovation. For example, the current technological innovation in China is such a process
Third, it is an important symbol of the development level of productive forces in a certain social era. For example, people often take some leading technologies, such as stone technology, iron technology, steam engine technology, electrical technology, atomic energy technology, computer technology, etc., as a mark to divide a certain social era, Such as stone age, iron age, steam age, electrical age, atomic age, computer age
The difference between science and technology
If we say that science is to understand the world, then technology is to change the world. Science is to improve the level of human understanding, and technology is to enhance human survival ability and improve the quality of human life
Science includes natural science and social science. The content of science includes scientific facts (Concepts), scientific principles, scientific methods and scientific concepts
Technology is a kind of ability to change the world. Ancient technology mainly comes from production practice, while modern technology is more developed and developed methods and means according to certain scientific principles in order to achieve certain application purposes. Technology includes material technology, product technology, design technology, process technology, Technology is embodied in three forms: material form (such as tools, equipment, etc.), knowledge form (such as drawings, materials, books, etc.), and talent form (such as scientists, engineers, technicians, skilled workers, etc.). Obviously, talent is the core of technology, We can create the technology of material form and knowledge form
Due to the difference between science and technology, the motive force and mechanism of the development of science and technology are also different. The motive force of scientific development is mainly the curiosity, interest and social responsibility of scientists. The following mechanism is: government funding support, scientists' independent research, and scientific community evaluation and recognition, The driving force of technology development is social demand, especially market demand, and the mechanism of technology operation is market mechanism
People often divide the research of science and technology into basic research, applied research and technological development. Basic research is the activity of scientific discovery without specific business objectives to explore laws, develop principles and put forward theories
Application Research: To explore the possibility of new knowledge application with engineering as the goal
Technology Development -- the technological innovation activities of applying scientific research achievements to production and engineering, including product development, equipment and tool development, production process development, energy and raw material development, improvement of production environment development, etc

What is science? What is the definition of science?

(1) The origin of the word "science" is science in English, derived from the Latin SCIO, and later evolved into scientin, which finally became today's writing. Its original meaning is "knowledge" and "knowledge". Fukuzawa Yuki, a famous Japanese scientific enlightenment master, translated "science" as "science"

What is the meaning of science, the meaning of technology, and the difference and connection between them?

What is science?
1、 The origin of Science
The word "science" originated from Latin science, then evolved into scientin, and finally became today's way of writing. Its original meaning is "knowledge" and "learning". Japanese famous scientific enlightenment master Fukuzawa Yuji translated "science" into "science". In 1893, Kang Youwei introduced and used the word "science". Yan Fu translated "tianyanlun" and other scientific works, Since then, the word "science" has been widely used in China
Why do you call it that? Science originally means systematic knowledge. I think maybe so. In the 19th century, science was already a very large knowledge system. It was divided into many specialties, and these specialized knowledge were not as unrelated as other knowledge. Apart from professional concepts, the basic concepts were the same, and the basic methods were the same, Science means classification or hierarchy, so I think science is more suitable for science
2、 The strict definition of Science
In fact, since the term science has never been strictly defined, Therefore, it will cause a series of confusion and meaningless debates. For example, is there any science in ancient China? Is traditional Chinese medicine a science? What is the difference between science and pseudoscience? What is the difference between science and religion? And so on. These questions are very attractive. Therefore, the times require us to give an appropriate definition as soon as possible to solve these disputes. Let's take a look at what I have done according to the current situation The definition in textbooks and some authoritative works has been improved to a very strict definition, and then we can discuss its exact meaning, so as to strive for a consensus among the academic circles
Definition - science is a kind of knowledge system which is closest to the truth and contains no self contradiction as far as possible, and it is a social undertaking
In this definition, the attribute "the closest to the truth, as far as possible, does not contain self contradiction" is added by itself. The reason is to make clear the meaning of science, that is, to make clear what kind of knowledge system science is (I still don't understand why many books dare not add it explicitly). Of course, "contradiction" refers to logical contradiction
"Knowledge system" is people's initial understanding of science. As a kind of very practical knowledge, the most important thing is to have a high level of organization and structure. This point is more or less characteristic of any classic work. The most famous ancient work is the original of geometry. Perhaps the most organized Chinese classic work is that I have no knowledge and skills, I think the most influential one is the secret in the orange (a chess book). However, the knowledge system of science is not as small in scale and narrow in scope as some knowledge systems. It is a very large knowledge system, and its ambition even attempts to cover all aspects. Such a large system still needs to maintain a strong organization and structure, However, there is not only one kind of knowledge system, so it is necessary to make clear what kind of knowledge system science is. The previous part of the definition gives the limit, skipping a paragraph to discuss again
It has been recognized for a long time that science is a social undertaking, but its significance is further deepened with the development of the times. This is also difficult for people who lack education to understand. How can knowledge expressed in books be a kind of social activity? It can't be understood or verified by others. This is not knowledge in itself, Why should we emphasize its sociality? This is because science has a much stricter understanding of knowledge than others. Knowledge refers to correct statement and correct prediction for witches, religious believers, civilians and scientists, That is to say, knowledge is what people think of as "truth". But only scientists can examine "truth" very strictly. We should not only see whether its initial statement (often called axiom) comes from intuition, experiment or good reason, but also closely examine any details in the process of derivation, This series of work can not be done by people without scientific training. Therefore, it needs education, the joint work of many scientists, and the understanding and support of the general public. With the development of science, the higher the complexity of science, the stronger its sociality
"The closest to truth" emphasizes the nature of science. Compared with others, science emphasizes the most suspicion, because science is based on the premise that there is no prior knowledge. It holds that all knowledge is human's understanding of the objective world. Although science pursues the unity of the subjective and objective world, the subjective world and the objective existence are not the same thing. No matter how correct knowledge is, it is only a description of the world, For example, the ideal gas model can well describe oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and other gases at normal temperature and pressure, The reason is that the linearity of these gas molecules is far less than the distance between them. And van der Waals's modification of the ideal gas model is only an approximate description of real gases such as water vapor. Scientists know that their theory is approximate at the beginning, so they never expect that the conclusions derived from their theory will be consistent with the real world, It is the product of the subjective world. Even if there are aliens, they can only be more evolved than the earth people, and they will also be wrong. The secret of nature lies in nature itself. Nature expresses itself with its own diverse characteristics, but it will not express itself in words through the mouth of God. It can be seen that "the closest to the truth" is the secret of nature