The important position and function of mathematics in the development of science and technology

The important position and function of mathematics in the development of science and technology

Mathematics is the right-hand assistant and tool of all sciences. Sometimes it develops with the promotion of other sciences, and sometimes it develops ahead of others. The leading development will eventually be applied

What role does technological development play in the development of human society

It must be an earth shaking effect
I used to have lights and telephones upstairs and downstairs
Now it's not convenient to have a mobile phone. You can use it there
A simple example shows that technological development plays an important role in human beings

What impact do you think the development of biological science and technology has had or will have on the society
More than 200 words

Her role is a continuous process, so there is no difference between the present and the future. First, it will be a leap forward role for agriculture. Yuan Longping's hybrid rice has solved the problem of eating in China, a country with only 7% of the world's land but 13% of the population. Second, it is also a good help for medicine