What is the law of negation of negation?

What is the law of negation of negation?

It is also known as "the law of affirmation and negation". It is one of the basic laws of materialist dialectics. The development of things is realized through its own dialectical negation. Things are the unity of positive and negative aspects. When the positive aspect is in the dominant position, things maintain their existing nature, characteristics and tendencies. When the negative aspect of things overcomes the positive aspect and occupies the dominant position of contradiction, things are in the dominant position, The nature, characteristics and trend of things will change, and the old things will be transformed into new things. Negation is the fundamental negation of the quality of the old things, but it is not the simple abandonment of the old things, but the sublation of the unity of reform and inheritance. Every stage in the development process of things is the negation of the previous stage, and at the same time it is also negatived by the later stage, Things move in a cycle, repeating some characteristics of the old stage at a higher stage, The law of negation of negation focuses on revealing the direction and road of development of things. For example, the development process of Marxism is in line with the law of negation of negation, Leninism is the inheritance and development of Marxism. It denies some of Marx's original assertions, such as that the socialist revolution cannot take place in backward countries. Then it continues to sublate Leninism and has Stalin and Mao Zedong thought~

Examples of concrete explanation of the law of negation of negation

December 5, 22:11 No
The law of negation of negation is that there are positive factors and negative factors in everything. These two factors are interrelated and interact with each other. The development of things shows a cycle from affirmation to negation, and then to negation of negation, showing a spiral upward or wave forward movement

4. The following examples show the law of negation of Negation: (a, B, C, D, e)
A. Ice water vapor
B. The particle theory of light -- the wave theory of light -- the wave particle image theory of light
C. Unity criticism unity
D. The spontaneous combination of ancient simple materialism and Dialectics -- the separation of modern materialism and Dialectics -- the conscious combination of modern dialectics and materialism
E. Grain plant grain
Why is e right

The growth process of wheat grain plant wheat grain plant is a development process from affirmation to negation, and then to negation of negation. Why do you say so? This can be seen from the growth process of wheat: as a seed, when the necessary conditions are met, such as suitable soil, certain temperature and water, it will germinate