What is the meaning of proceeding from reality and seeking truth from facts? The sooner the better Because I forgot my book today Life and Philosophy

What is the meaning of proceeding from reality and seeking truth from facts? The sooner the better Because I forgot my book today Life and Philosophy

1. This paper discusses the principle and dialectical relationship of the material unity of the world and its practical significance, and explains the philosophical basis of proceeding from reality and its practical significance

(1) Marxist philosophy is a complete materialist monism, which advocates that material is the real origin of the world. The real unity of the world lies in its materiality, whether it is nature, human society or human spirit. Although they have different manifestations and characteristics, they are all rooted in material, which is a way of existence or function of material, Nothing else exists
(2) The principle that the world is unified in matter is the cornerstone of the whole building of Marxist philosophy. All the principles of Marxist philosophy are based on this theory. The principle that the world is unified in matter is also the philosophical basis for all practical things
First, the ultimate source of all things and phenomena lies in the material world. Therefore, we must start from reality, that is, from the fact of objective existence, neither from principles, nor from subjective imagination
Second, to proceed from reality means to understand things according to their original appearance and find out the inherent relationship between things and phenomena, rather than treat things with preconceived ideas, It is not to replace the connection of things with imaginary or fabricated connection. This is to adhere to materialism in dealing with things. As all things are constantly developing and changing in a certain time and space, it is necessary to have a strong concept of time and space from reality, and everything is transferred by time, place and condition, It is necessary to adjust measures to the situation and persist in looking at things and dealing with problems from the point of view of movement, development and change. This is to adhere to dialectics?
Third, to proceed from reality, first of all, we must start with investigation and research. We must go deep into reality, master a large number of real and first-hand materials, so as to deeply and comprehensively reflect the real situation of things, and lead to lines, principles, policies, plans, schemes and methods, so as to guide people's practice, so as to achieve the transformation of the objective world, We must also overcome the bureaucratism of separating ourselves from the masses and standing high above the masses?
(3) It is our party's fine tradition and style to proceed from reality, go deep into the masses and conduct investigation and research. It is also the basic method to do well in all kinds of work. Adhering to proceeding from reality is the concrete application of the principle of world unity in material in practice, and it is also a basic principle provided by Marxist philosophy for people to understand and transform the world
2: On the relationship between initiative and objective regularity of consciousness and its practical significance
The initiative of consciousness, that is, the subjective initiative, refers to the initiative of the subjective to the objective. It is people's active activity and ability in understanding and transforming the world
Objective regularity refers to the fact that laws have the characteristics of objective transfer
The relationship between objective regularity and subjective initiative is as follows: (1) respecting objective regularity is the premise and foundation of developing subjective initiative; (2) exerting subjective initiative is the necessary condition of understanding and utilizing objective regularity; (3) respecting objective regularity and exerting subjective initiative are unified on the basis of practice
The principle of dialectical relationship between consciousness initiative and objective regularity has important practical consciousness: in socialist modernization construction, we should combine respecting objective regularity with exerting subjective initiative, and combining serious scientific attitude with high enthusiasm. We should not only do things according to objective regularity, but also oppose being reckless and eager for success. We should also carry forward bold innovation, and oppose being conservative and not enterprising

This paper discusses the dialectical relationship between matter and consciousness, and uses this principle to explain the significance of persisting in proceeding from reality and seeking truth from facts

Material determines consciousness. Consciousness plays an active role in material. Correct consciousness promotes the development of things. Wrong consciousness hinders the development of things. We should adhere to the principle of proceeding from reality in thinking and doing things. At the same time, we should give full play to the function of consciousness, guide people's actions with correct consciousness, and seek truth from facts

This paper discusses the principle of the law of negation of negation, and explains the progressiveness and tortuousness in the process of socialist development
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This is a question about Marxist philosophy. I hope you can help me answer it

This paper discusses the principle of the law of negation of negation, and explains the progressiveness and tortuousness in the process of socialist development. (1) the principle of the law of negation of negation holds that the development of things goes through two dialectical negations, that is, from the positive stage to the negative stage, and then to the negative stage of negation, so as to make the development of things spiral and wave