Is desire the same concept as "demand" in economic theory? If not, what is the difference between them?

Is desire the same concept as "demand" in economic theory? If not, what is the difference between them?

Not the same concept, desire refers to the desire to get a product, is a subjective thing
Demand refers to the desire to have the ability to buy and be willing to buy a certain product. Having the ability is called demand, and having no ability is called desire. The kind of wishful thinking, O (∩)_ (laughter)~

What is the broad concept of demand in western economics?

The quantity of goods that consumers are willing and able to buy at various possible price levels in a certain period of time

Explain with economics theorem, when demand increases, the reason that the price rises

You have said that. Just add a condition: other conditions remain unchanged

What are supply and demand, the law of supply and the law of demand
In the process of making a question, what is the effect of increasing individual labor productivity (for example, 10%) and social labor time on unit commodity and total value