The Marxist question, tries to narrate the truth absolute and the relativity dialectical relations the principle and the practical significance

The Marxist question, tries to narrate the truth absolute and the relativity dialectical relations the principle and the practical significance

Answer: (1) truth is both absolute and relative, which is the unity of absoluteness and relativity. Second, the absoluteness and relativity of truth depend on each other, and the other cannot exist without one party. (2) second, the absoluteness and relativity of truth contain and permeate each other, and any relative truth contains particles of absolute truth, Absolute truth manifests itself through relative truth: the sum of innumerable relative truths constitutes absolute truth; (2 points) third, the transformation of relative truth into absolute truth. Human cognition is a process of transformation from relative truth to absolute truth, and every two true rational cognition is a link in this transformation process. (2 points)
(2) Grasping the principle of the dialectical relationship between the absoluteness and relativity of truth is of great significance to correctly treat Marxism. Marxism is the unity of absolute truth and relative truth, which has both absoluteness and relativity. Because it has absoluteness, we must adhere to it and take it as our guiding ideology; because it has relativity, Therefore, it is necessary to enrich and develop Marxism in practice

On the theoretical significance of absoluteness and relativity of truth

The theoretical significance of the absoluteness of truth: 1. The content of truth is all kinds of things and laws in the material world. 2. Truth is always consistent with the understanding of things and laws in the material world. 3. The acquisition of every truth always indicates that human beings have made a step forward in the understanding of the material world. The relative significance: 1. What any truth reflects is