The principle of the unity of progressiveness and tortuousness in the development of things

The principle of the unity of progressiveness and tortuousness in the development of things

[principle content] materialist dialectics holds that the general trend of the development of things is to move forward, and new things will inevitably defeat old things. The future is bright, and the road is tortuous. The development of anything is the unity of progressiveness and tortuousness. There are twists and turns in the progress, and advancing in the twists and turns is the way for all new things to develop
[methodological requirements] it requires us: first, to correctly deal with the difficulties encountered in the progress of China's socialist cause; second, to correctly deal with the twists and turns on the road of life; third, to be prepared to take the twists and turns, to enthusiastically support the socialist cause, and to be the builders and successors of the socialist cause

According to the principle that the development of things is the unity of progressiveness and tortuousness, this paper explains how to correctly understand the cause of China's socialist modernization

This is the law of negation of negation. First, the law of negation of negation reveals that the general trend of the development of things is progressive and ascending

What is the law that reveals the unity of progressiveness and tortuousness in the development of things?
Marxist Philosophy

The law of negation of Negation: the direction and road of the change and development of things is a cyclic process from affirmation to negation and then to negation of negation
From the aspect of content, this law is a process of self-development and self perfection. From the aspect of form, the change and development of things is a process of wavy advance and spiral rise. This law reveals that the characteristics of the development of things are the unity of ascending or advancing, cyclical or tortuous, restorative or regressive, The change and development of things is the unity of progressiveness and tortuousness. The general trend is forward and the road is tortuous

Try to explain how to understand socialism with the principle of the unity of progressiveness and tortuousness in the development of things

1) The development of things is the unity of progressiveness and tortuousness. It is shown as the process of spiral rising or wave advancing. This is the law of negation of negation. First, the law of negation of negation reveals that the general trend of the development of things is progressive and ascending