What is the meaning of "priority principle" in international economic law?

What is the meaning of "priority principle" in international economic law?

Priority means that a person who has filed an application for the registration of a patent, utility model, design or trademark in a member state of the Convention or his legal successor has the priority to file an application in other member states within the prescribed time limit (12 months for patents and utility models and 6 months for designs and trademarks), The withdrawal, abandonment or rejection of the first application does not affect the priority status of the application

Junior high school composition about reading 2000-3000 words
The theme of the composition about reading is not limited to 2000-3000 words

If I leave books in my life, I think it will be boring. My fate with books has lasted for many years. My mother bought all kinds of children's books for me since I was babbling. From colorful "Reading Pictures" to fascinating science fiction comics, it is undoubtedly full of childhood fun for me

A composition of 2000 words

Growing up now, I have put aside my childhood childishness, and am moving towards youth. When I feel covered by the pride of growing up, all kinds of growing up troubles come one after another. After I entered junior high school, I feel like a person's most troubled time. Every day is just like testing, learning and learning. I don't have much spare time to do myself

My ideal composition is 2000 words

Ideal is a person's yearning and pursuit for the goal that may be realized in the future, or the thing that a person yearns for or wants to imitate, or the subjective image of a person
Ideal is the goal that a person pursues and strives for. For example, when you ask a middle school student about his ideal, his answer may be that he will become a scientist, engineer or writer in the future. Scientists, engineers and writers are the goals and objects that middle school students actively yearn for and pursue. These goals and objects embody their personal wishes, Here, the ideal is connected with a person's wishes, is a vision of the future, it is not directly connected with the current action. But the ideal is connected with real life. If some objects and phenomena in real life meet the needs of the individual, they are consistent with the individual's world outlook, These realistic factors will be expressed in personal ideals and forms. Ideals are always the process of reprocessing real life, abandoning some elements and emphasizing some factors. However, they must be based on the understanding of objective laws and conform to the objective laws. For example, when a film director creates an ideal character, This character is not only the director's reprocessing and choice of the characters in real life, so as to make the character conform to the director's wishes; but the character must conform to the objective laws and integrate with the real life environment, otherwise the character will become "Gao Daquan" on the surface and "false emptiness" in essence, and can not really become a typical character with blood, flesh and personality
From the content of a person's ideal, it can be divided into two categories: personal ideal and social ideal. Personal ideal is the imagination and hope of an individual's future, which includes career ideal, reason ideal, life and family ideal; social ideal is the pursuit and yearning for a better social system. Personal ideal and social ideal are interrelated, Among them, social ideal is the ideal at the highest level, which is the core of the ideal and restricts the individual ideal, and the individual ideal is the concrete embodiment of social ideal. It is not in line with the spirit of the times, but also a low-level ideal if a person only pursues his own individual ideal which is divorced from the social reality without lofty social ideal; on the contrary, it is not in line with the spirit of the times, If there is only social ideal but no personal ideal, it is empty and unrealistic
A person's ideal is often formed and developed under the influence of family education, school education and social environment. Generally speaking, with the growth of age, the increase of knowledge, the broadening of vision, the influence of family and school, the influence of a person decreases in turn, and the influence of society increases step by step, Some psychologists in China divide the ideal form of middle school students into three levels: the first is the primary level, that is, the concrete image ideal, which is mainly manifested in the junior middle school students; the second is the intermediate level, that is, the comprehensive image ideal, which is mainly manifested in the middle school students; the third is the higher level, which is mainly manifested in the middle school students, That is to say, the older the middle school students are, the higher their grade is, the higher their ideal level is
For the development level of ideal tendency of middle school students, psychological workers in China divide the ideal of middle school students into the following four types through questionnaire, direct dialogue and analysis
For example, "I don't have any ideas about the future, I just want to live freely", "I don't know what kind of person I think I want to be now", etc. the emergence of this kind of mentality is related to the age, knowledge and physical and mental development level of young people at this stage. Because my thoughts are not mature, and education can't keep up with them, So that they still lack a clear goal
For example: "my family and teachers always encourage me to work hard, and I am inspired and encouraged to see the exemplary deeds of advanced people, but when I encounter difficulties, I shrink back." the mainstream of this kind of students' thinking is upward, but it still lacks persistence and firmness
For example, "I want to go to university and find an ideal job in the future." this kind of students associate their ideals with their careers, but often separate their personal goals from the future of the country and the interests of the people. Therefore, we need to strengthen the education of political and ideological work and outlook on life
For example, among many high school students who are about to graduate, they can set up the idea of accepting the motherland's selection and obeying the motherland's arrangement. This kind of students have a higher level of understanding, and their ideals are more in line with the spirit of the times
The fact shows that most of the students have lofty ideals, which reflects that the mainstream of middle school students is healthy and upward
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