How to rationally use genetic engineering technology for the benefit of mankind?

How to rationally use genetic engineering technology for the benefit of mankind?

After the maturity of genetic engineering technology, it will bring great achievements. Not only many diseases that we can not cure at this stage will no longer be a problem, especially cancer, but also disabled people will be reborn with the help of genetic engineering. Many genetic diseases will also be well treated. When applied to plants, it will create conditions for a good harvest of food

What is the concept of biological genetic engineering

What is genetic engineering?
With the secret of internal structure and genetic mechanism of DNA gradually presented to people, especially when people understand that the genetic code is transcribed and expressed by RNA, biologists are no longer satisfied with exploring and revealing the secrets of biological genetics, but are eager to try to intervene in biological genetic characteristics at the molecular level
If a piece of genetic code in one organism's DNA is connected to the DNA strand of another organism, and the DNA is reorganized, new genetic materials can be designed and new biological types can be created according to human's wishes, which is completely different from the traditional method of breeding biological offspring in the past
This approach is just like the engineering design of technological science. According to the needs of human beings, this "gene" of this organism and that "gene" of that organism are "constructed" and "assembled" into new gene combinations to create new organisms. This kind of biological science and technology, which is completely in accordance with the wishes of human beings, is called "genetic engineering", Or genetic engineering
Gene engineering is an important branch of bioengineering, which is composed of cell engineering, enzyme engineering, protein engineering and microbial engineering

The following description is in line with the concept of genetic engineering ()
A. B lymphocyte fused with tumor cell, hybridoma cell contained antibody gene of B lymphocyte. B. recombinant human interferon gene into plasmid and then transferred into E.coli to obtain a strain which can produce human interferon. C. penicillin high-yield strain D was obtained by ultraviolet irradiation to change its DNA Bacteriophages naturally exist in nature, and their DNA is integrated into bacterial DNA after self infection

A. B. the fusion of lymphocytes and tumor cells belongs to the category of cell engineering. A. wrong. B. recombinant human interferon gene into plasmid and then transferred into E. coli. It is in line with the concept of genetic engineering. B. correct. C. the DNA of penicillin producing strain was changed by ultraviolet irradiation

Significance of restriction enzyme in gene engineering

Generally speaking, restriction endonuclease is to cut an effective gene fragment from the whole DNA strand, just like scissors. Without it, the most essential thing "gene" needed for genetic engineering would not be available (strictly speaking, it can be arranged and manufactured by manual means, but it is too limited)
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