What is the impact of genetic engineering on the future of human beings?

What is the impact of genetic engineering on the future of human beings?

The 21st century is definitely the era of biology. With the development of research and the elucidation of various reaction mechanisms, people have a deeper and deeper understanding of genes. With the gradual maturity of genetic engineering methods, we will certainly benefit from it in the near future. However, it can also be said that genetic engineering methods are certainly expensive and are not a technology that can be popularized for the time being, At present, it is mainly applied to research, and a small part can be applied to food and medical treatment, pest control and so on
As for the side effects, it's still because people don't know much about genes. With more understanding, this situation will improve

Will genetic engineering be accepted by human beings?

It's hard to say. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. It mainly depends on what it is used for and how countries stipulate restrictions. In terms of medical treatment, I think most people are willing to accept it. After all, it provides more favorable conditions for saving lives. But in terms of the current situation, basic work will be more common in the future, It's a fact. From soybean, rape to all kinds of biomaterials, if human beings make good use of this technology, it will be our good news. If not, it's hard to say