The definition of Science

The definition of Science

Chinese and western scientific definitions
Today, after the method of Chinese philosophy is extracted, the revival of Chinese culture has become the main cultural trend, It is an important common sense for Chinese people to understand the definition of Science in China and the West. It can be predicted that Chinese modern science will be born under the guidance of Chinese philosophy

What is the influence of modern scientific revolution?

On sex generalization and synthesis
In 1888, Hertz, a German scientist, confirmed the existence of Maxwell's electromagnetic wave. Using Hertz's discovery, Marconi, an Italian physicist, and Popov, a Russian physicist, successively realized the transmission and reception of radio, which gradually developed wired telegraph into radio communication. All these electrical equipment needed a lot of electricity, which was far from what a weak battery could provide, The first self-excited generator greatly increased the current intensity. In the 1970s, Europe began to enter the era of electricity. In the 1980s, a central power station was built, The wide application of electric power is the second scientific and technological revolution in modern history after the steam engine. The development of electromagnetism provides an important theoretical preparation for this scientific and technological revolution. As new discoveries of natural science are rapidly applied to production, the second industrial revolution is booming in European and American countries
In the 19th century, natural science has made brilliant achievements in many fields. All the basic problems in physics have been basically solved on the basis of Newtonian mechanics. Scientists have invented a material undertaker, ether, for the electromagnetic phenomenon that could not be explained by Newtonian mechanics, They think that the whole physical world can be reduced to two kinds of material origin: the absolutely inseparable atom and the absolutely forbidden ether
At the peak of classical physics, people are intoxicated with the realm of "perfection", but a series of unexpected events have shocked the whole physics world. First, Michelson and Murray carried out the famous experiment of ether drift in order to find the earth's motion relative to the absolutely static ether, However, the experimental results are contrary to the prediction of classical theory. In the study of specific heat and thermal radiation, there are some insurmountable contradictions in classical theory, such as "ultraviolet disaster". Classical physics is once again facing a serious challenge and a third major crisis
At the end of the 19th century, German physicist roentgen discovered a kind of X-ray that can penetrate the metal plate to make the negative sensitive. Soon, Becquerel discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity. Inspired by Becquerel, the Curies discovered the radioactivity of polonium and radium, and extracted radium element with radiation intensity 2 million times stronger than uranium under arduous conditions. In 1897, Thomson discovered the electron, It breaks the traditional idea that atoms are inseparable. The discovery of electrons and element radioactivity opens the door of atoms and makes people's understanding go deep into the interior of atoms, which lays the foundation for the establishment of quantum theory. Quantum theory is a science that reflects the structure and motion law of microscopic particles, In the study of electromagnetic effects and the relationship between time and space, relativity came into being. Relativity connects mechanics and electromagnetism, as well as the movement of time, space and matter. This is another great synthesis in the history of physics after Newton's mechanics and Maxwell's electromagnetism. Quantum theory and relativity are the two pillars of modern physics, It is the theoretical basis for the rapid development of science and technology in the 20th century
In the 1940s and 1950s, the third scientific and technological revolution rose. The invention and application of the electronic computer is an epoch-making achievement in the history of scientific and technological development. Most of the technological inventions in the steam age and the electrical age are to extend people's limbs and sensory functions and liberate people's physical strength, while the electronic computer is to extend the function of people's brain. It began to replace part of people's mental work, To a certain extent, it has materialized and enlarged human intelligence, greatly enhanced human's ability to understand and transform the world, and now it has penetrated and affected all fields of human society
In today's era, the development of science and technology is changing with each passing day. The trend and characteristics of collectivization, socialization and high-speed are very obvious. We may face new crises and challenges at any time. As long as we continue to explore and innovate, the future of science will be better

What is the great role of modern scientific revolution?

Science and technology is the ladder and symbol of the progress of human civilization. In today's world, science and technology has created one development opportunity after another for the world. The ever-changing progress of science and technology has profoundly changed and will continue to change the contemporary social life and world outlook

List the major revolutions of modern scientific revolution?

Since the middle of the 18th century, mankind has experienced three scientific and technological revolutions
The first revolution of science and technology is mainly marked by the invention and application of steam engine at the end of 18th century. This revolution of science and technology has revolutionized the social productive forces, replaced the handicraft industry with machine work, and brought human beings into the machine age
The second scientific and technological revolution took place from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, with the invention and application of generators and motors as the main symbol. It raised the social industrialization to a new stage, and made the social productive forces enter the electric power era
The third scientific and technological revolution took place in the middle of the 20th century, with the development of atomic energy, electronic computers and space technology as the main symbol. This new scientific and technological revolution facing mankind will bring unprecedented and profound changes to the world. It takes information science, life science, material science and so on as the frontier, Characterized by the application of computer technology, bioengineering technology, laser technology, space technology, new energy technology and new material technology, human society is pushed into the information age