Marxist philosophy is a science about the general law of the development of nature, society and thinking, isn't it

Marxist philosophy is a science about the general law of the development of nature, society and thinking, isn't it

Marxist philosophy is a science about the general law of the development of nature, society and thinking. It is the unity of materialism and dialectics, and the unity of materialistic view of nature and historical view. It is a relative truth

This year, three times of Xiaogang's age is equal to five times of Xiaofang's age. Ten years later, if four times of Xiaogang's age is equal to five times of Xiaofang's age, Xiaogang's age this year will be five times______ I'm 40 years old

Let Xiaogang be x years old, then Xiaofang is 35x years old. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the equation: 4 (x + 10) = 5 (35x + 10), & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 4x + 40 = 3x + 50, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 10; a: Xiaogang is 10 years old this year, so the answer is: 10

If you are interested, count
There are 100 monks, 100 steamed buns, one big monk eats three steamed buns, and three little monks eat one steamed bun. How many big monks and how many little monks are there?

Great monk 100 △ 4 = 25
Little monk 100-25 = 75

If you are interested, you can do it
There are 19 kinds of people, 19 kinds of people, not 19 people
These 19 groups of people want to form a team, that is, a group of two, a group of three, and a group of four. Of course, the same group of people can also form a team. How many different combinations are there
For example, 2 people form a team. Number 19 people
So the combination is
one thousand nine hundred and nineteen
So the combination of three people is a little more complicated
I figured it out to be 8854

There are two ways to form a group: C (19,1) + C (19,2)
The group of three is C (19,1) + 2C (19,2) + C (19,3)
The methods of group of four are: C (19,1) + 3C (19,2) + 3C (19,3) + C (19,4)
And then add them up with a calculator, and there are 8835 groups
That's right