The cause, symbol and significance of modern scientific revolution

The cause, symbol and significance of modern scientific revolution

Copernicus published his work on the movement of celestial bodies in 1543, which marked the birth of modern science. The author thinks that there are two main reasons. First of all, although Aristotle's system has been thoroughly criticized by nominalism since the 14th century, it can still be maintained. One of the main reasons is that its geocentrism is consistent with people's common sense

What are the characteristics of the development of modern natural science and the two technological revolutions?

The industrial revolution is mainly characterized by the steam engine
The revolution caused by electricity is mainly characterized by the revolution of industry driven by science
Recently, it is mainly information, mainly computer and Internet information, soft industry

Is the sentence "natural law is objective, social law and thinking law are subjective"?

No, the latter two are equally objective
The law of thinking refers to the four basic laws of formal logic and their relationship
The existence and development of society is not based on human will