Know the general equation of straight line, how to find the inclination angle and slope?

Know the general equation of straight line, how to find the inclination angle and slope?

First, the linear equation is transformed into oblique section equation
The slope is - A / b
The inclination angle is arctan (- A / b)

Two points a (- 1,2) B (m, 3) are known. Find the slope k and inclination angle of the straight line ab
Two points a (- 1,2) B (m, 3) are known. Find the slope and inclination angle of line ab

When m = - 1, it does not exist, and the inclination angle is 90 degrees
When m 〉 - 1, k = 1 / (M + 1), tilt angle = arctan1 / (M + 1)
When m

If the linear equation is y + 2 = 0, then the inclination angle α and slope k of the line are

The equation is y = - 2. If the line is parallel to the X axis, α = 0 degree and the slope k = 0

If the slope of a straight line is Tana, then its inclination angle is a

No, because the tilt angle should be greater than or equal to 0 degrees and less than 180 degrees, and a in Tana may exceed this range (induction formula)