Let the general term formula of sequence {an} be an = N2 + λ n (n ∈ n *) and {an} satisfy A1

Let the general term formula of sequence {an} be an = N2 + λ n (n ∈ n *) and {an} satisfy A1

The difference method is used
Given the condition, {an} is an increasing sequence
The constant value of 2n + 1 + λ > 0 is tenable
The minimum value of ∵ 2n + 1 + λ is 2 * 1 + 1 + λ = 3 + λ > 0
∴ λ>-3
That is to say, the value range of real number λ is (- 3, + ∞)

The general term formula of known sequence {an} is an = N2 + kn + 2. If an + 1 > an holds for any n ∈ n *, then the value range of real number k is k > - 3
The general term formula of known sequence {an} is an = N2 + kn + 2. If an + 1 > an holds for any n ∈ n *, then the value range of real number k is ()
A.k>0 \x05\x05\x05B.k>-1
C.k>-2 \x05\x05 D.k>-3
From an + 1 > an, we know that the sequence is an increasing sequence, and because the general formula an = N2 + kn + 2 can be regarded as a quadratic function of N, considering n ∈ n *, so - k2-3
How do three-thirds of them come from?

Because an + 1 > an
So an + 1 - an = (n + 1) ^ 2 + (n + 1) K + 2-N ^ 2-kn-2 = 2n + 1 + k > 0
So k > - (2n + 1)

Let the general term formula of the sequence {an} be an = n ^ 2-PN. If the sequence {an} is an increasing sequence, then the value range of the real number P is?

If an is an increasing sequence, then
For any n ∈ n +, 2n + 1 is increasing
P is less than the minimum value of 2n + 1
When n = 1, the minimum value of 2n + 1 is 3
This is what we need

The general formula of sequence {an} is an = n ^ 2-cn + 1. If an ≥ A3, then the value range of real number C is

Divided into two parts, consider A1, A2 ≥ A3 and an (n > 3) ≥ A3
The symmetry axis of the function is x = C / 2, and the limit case is C / 2 = 5 / 2 (A2 = A3) or C / 2 = 7 / 2 (A3 = A4) and C = 5 or 7
So 7 ≥ C ≥ 5

General term formula an = n & # 178;, find SN

Using the formula of cubic difference
Add all the equations
That is: SN = 1 ^ 2 + 2 ^ 2 + 3 ^ 2 +... + (n-1) ^ 2 + n ^ 2 = n (n + 1) (2n + 1) / 6

A1 = 1, Sn = n & # 178; × an, finding the general term formula of an

An = Sn - Sn-1 = n²×An - (n-1)²×An-1===> (n²-1)An = (n-1)²An-1===> (n+1)An = (n-1)An-1===> An = (n-1)/(n+1) An-1===> An = (n-1)/(n+1)×(n-2)/n ×(n-3)/(n-1)×…… × 3/5 × 2/4 ×...

The sum of the first n terms of an is Sn, 2Sn = an & # 178; + an, finding the general term formula of an

2A1 = 2S1 = A1 squared + A1, so A1 = 12sn = an squared + an2s (n-1) = a (n-1) squared + a (n-1) subtracted to obtain 2An = an squared + an-a (n-1) squared - A (n-1), that is, an squared - A (n-1) squared = an + a (n-1) so [an-a (n-1)] [an + a (n-1)] = an + a (n-1) so an-a (n-1) = 1

Given A1 = 1, Sn = (sn-1 + √ 2) &# 178;, find the general term formula of an
N-1 is below s,


Given the preceding term and Sn = ((an + 1) & # 178;) / 4 of positive number sequence {an}, find the general term formula of positive number sequence {an}

A1 = S1 = (a1 + 1) ^ 2 / 4, so A1 = 1
Because it is a positive number, so an-1 = a (n-1) + 1
Arithmetic sequence

The general term formula of sequence {an} is an = n & # 178; - 10N + 1 (1) find the first three terms (2) judge whether 25 is one of the terms (3) find the minimum value of the sequence

(2) Let an = n & # 178; - 10N + 1 = 25
Then n & # 178; - 10n-24 = 0
The solution is n = 12 or n = - 2 (rounding off)
So 25 is one of them
So item 5 is the minimum, and the minimum is - 24