In parallel circuit (when the voltage is equal), if the power of one bulb is higher than the other, is it brighter than the other There are series circuit, by the way, there are no other factors will affect, also said. Tomorrow on the entrance examination on physics

In parallel circuit (when the voltage is equal), if the power of one bulb is higher than the other, is it brighter than the other There are series circuit, by the way, there are no other factors will affect, also said. Tomorrow on the entrance examination on physics

In the parallel circuit, the light with high power is on, while the light with low power is on, because the voltage at both ends of the two bulbs is equal in parallel, so the light with high power is on; in the series circuit, the light with high power is on, because the current of the two bulbs is equal in the series circuit, so the voltage shared by the high power due to the small resistance is low, and the voltage shared by the low power due to the large resistance is high, so the light with low power is on, High power is dark

Two small bulbs with the same rated voltage but the same power are connected in series in the same circuit. Which one is on? Why?

In series circuit, the higher the electric power is, the brighter or darker the bulb is

1) Because the power P = UI, that is, w = VI, and I = V / R, so w = V * V / R. from this formula, we can see that the higher the power W of a single bulb, the smaller its resistance under the condition of constant voltage. 2) in a series circuit, because the current is the same, the power obtained by a high-power bulb is p = UI, that is, w = VI

Connect two bulb strings into the circuit, is the power of dark light high or low

High power dark. Because of its low resistance, the current of two lamps in series circuit is the same, so the voltage of high power lamp is low