The voltage at both ends of the resistor increases to twice of the original value, and the work done by the current is several times of the original value in the same power on time

The voltage at both ends of the resistor increases to twice of the original value, and the work done by the current is several times of the original value in the same power on time

Four times, the current is also twice the original, the formula w = uit can be four times

Physical resistance voltage current
In the circuit, two resistors R1 and R2 are connected in series, U1 = 1.2V, U2 = 6V. Calculate the resistance of R1 and R2

Because of series connection, the current is equal, and the voltage ratio is the resistance ratio, so R1: R2 = 1:5
The total resistance or current is not mentioned in the title, so the specific values of R1 and R2 cannot be calculated

When the resistance decreases, what about the current and the voltage?

When the resistance is constant, the greater the voltage, the greater the current. When the voltage is constant, the greater the resistance, the smaller the current. When the current is constant, the greater the resistance, the greater the voltage

Why high voltage power can reduce the loss of transmission lines
I know that P = UI, the higher the voltage, the smaller the current, q = I ^ 2rt, so the power consumption is small. My problem is that according to Ohm's law, I = u / R, the higher the voltage, the greater the current. According to the formula P = u ^ 2 / R, the higher the voltage, the greater the power. Isn't this self contradictory, please help explain

When analyzing the relationship between any two quantities, it is required that the third quantity should be a definite number, otherwise the result is meaningless. P = in UI, the higher u, the smaller I, the premise P should be a definite number
For example, the relationship of P (50) = u (25) x I (2) and P (200) = u (40) x I (5) is still valid. Two conclusions can be drawn from the comparison of the two formulas: the voltage increases, the current increases and the voltage decreases, the current decreases. There is no conclusion that the higher the voltage is, the smaller the current is. This is certainly wrong, because P in the two formulas is different, the change of P will affect the change of other two values, According to Ohm's law, I = u / R, the higher the voltage is. According to the formula P = u ^ 2 / R, the higher the voltage is, the greater the power is. Is it not self contradictory that P is not set as a constant. After P is fixed, U value is determined, and I value is determined accordingly. I and u in I = u / R should also be I and u in this case, which is meaningful