Which units are the units of electric power and which are the units of electric energy?

Which units are the units of electric power and which are the units of electric energy?

Electrical power in watts, kilowatts, kW, etc. (milliwatts, MW, similar)
The unit of electric energy is Joule J, kwh, also called kilowatt hour, 1kW · H = 3.6 × 1000000j

The rated power of lamp A and lamp B is the same. If they are connected in series in a circuit, lamp a is brighter than lamp B, then: ()
A. The current of lamp a is higher than that of lamp B. the rated power of lamp a is lower than that of lamp B. the actual power of lamp a is lower than that of lamp B. the resistance of lamp a is higher than that of lamp B

It is known that the rated power of the two lamps is the same, so B is wrong. A lamp is brighter than B lamp, which indicates that a lamp has higher actual power, so C is wrong. A lamp has higher actual power, and the current is the same. According to P = I2R, a lamp has higher resistance, so D is right, so D is selected