The distance between station a and station B is 480 km. A slow train starts from station a, 80 km per hour, and an express train starts from station B, 120 km per hour, After how many hours, the two cars are 600 kilometers apart

The distance between station a and station B is 480 km. A slow train starts from station a, 80 km per hour, and an express train starts from station B, 120 km per hour, After how many hours, the two cars are 600 kilometers apart

It takes (600-480) / (80 + 120) = 0.6 hours for two vehicles to drive in the opposite direction
It takes (600 + 480) / (80 + 120) = 9 hours for two vehicles to drive in opposite directions
It takes (600-480) / (120-80) = 3 hours to drive in the same direction when the express is ahead
When driving in the same direction and slow train ahead, it takes (600 + 480) / (120-80) = 27 hours

The distance between station a and station B is 1200 km. A slow train departs from station a, traveling 80 km per hour. An express train departs from station B, traveling 120 km per hour

The distance between station a and station B is 1200 km. A slow train departs from station a, traveling 80 km per hour, and an express train departs from station B, traveling 120 km per hour. The two trains start at the same time and face each other. How many km is the distance between the slow train and the midpoint when they meet? Let's set the time for meeting as t hours, and the distance between the slow train and the midpoint when they meet as X kilometers, that is, x = 1200 / 2-80t (thousand