The distance between station a and station B is 360km. The local train runs 40km per hour from station a, and the express train runs 60km per hour from station B after 40min of the local train. Q: how many hours after the local train starts, the two trains meet? Suppose the express train runs x hours later, the two trains meet the local train

The distance between station a and station B is 360km. The local train runs 40km per hour from station a, and the express train runs 60km per hour from station B after 40min of the local train. Q: how many hours after the local train starts, the two trains meet? Suppose the express train runs x hours later, the two trains meet the local train

Let's suppose that after the express train leaves for X hours, it encounters the local train; 40 minutes = 2 / 3 hours. When it meets, the total travel time of the local train is (x + 2 / 3) hours, the total travel distance of the local train is 40 (x + 2 / 3) kilometers, and the total travel distance of the express train is 60x
A: 10 / 3 hours after the local train leaves, the two cars meet

The express train starts from station a to station B at the speed of 60km / h. After 1.5h, the slow train starts from station B to station a at the speed of 40km / h. When the two trains meet, the distance between the meeting points is shorter
The midpoint of the two stations is 70km. How many kilometers are there between stations a and B?

60 * 1.5 = 90 km
90-70 = 20 km
70-20 = 50 km
50 / (60-40) = 2.5 hours
60 * 1.5 + (60 + 40) * 2.5 = 340km
A: the distance between Party A and Party B is 340km